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Choose It or Lose It – Week One

What I’m looking to do here is a little bit different than most articles because this is a Choose Your Own Adventure article series for looking at Standard in the weeks leading up to States. I’ll start with three decks, one aggressive, one controlling, and one with a combinatory element, to be discussed, tweaked, and (perhaps by some adventurous few beyond just myself) tested if they look interesting. It’s an opportunity to allow for an exchange of ideas, among people who might be interested in using the Forums… but who might not be interested in contributing to any one particular thread, as elements of the deck in question hadn’t caught their interest. Consider this a place where ideas can change hands, and profit everyone involved, so long as people are willing to ride along with the experiment.

Ben’s Corner – Ravnica Updates!

Due to our high volume of Ravnica orders, Ben’s Corner will not be appearing this week. However, I did want to make the following announcements:

1) Ravnica Foils will be entered into inventory Friday afternoon. Please click the “Click here to be emailed when it’s back in stock!” button to receive immediate notification the second each Ravnica foil is added to inventory.

2) Pro Player cards have been given their own category, and are now available for sale. Buy a Kai today!

Have a great weekend, attend your local Ravnica Release tournament this weekend, and I’ll see you all next week!

– Ben Bleiweiss
– General Manager, StarCityGames.com

The New Rules Of Multiplayer, Part II: The Balkanized Metagame

Scoping out the individual metagame is critical to winning in multiplayer — but it’s even more crucial for enjoying it. Coming to the table with the wrong style of deck can result in hurt feelings and group breakups that make Jessica and Nick look tame. Thus, let us examine the types of metagames that tend to appear in multiplayer groups, and the best decks to sweep the each kind of group.

Ravnica Explodes Into Type 4!

The creator of Type 4 speaks out – and according to him, Ravnica is not only the most powerful set that Type 4 has seen since its creation, but it’s got more solid cards than all of Kamigawa Block combined! So what are the top 20 Ravnica cards that will change the face of the infinite format?

Investigating Sunforger

While working on the Ravnica Constructed Review articles, one of the new cards that really stood out to me was Sunforger. Sunforger costs three mana to play and three mana to equip, giving its bearer +4/+0. In and of itself, this repertoire would make Sunforger almost strictly worse than Loxodon Warhammer, a card long on potential itself, but one that has been completely absent from Constructed deck for the past two years. On a lark, I actually posted a potential Sunforger deck in the Ravnica Artifacts section… but later realized it might actually be good.

SCG Daily: Geeks and Girls 5

By now, you should have asked the girl you’ve chosen previously in the week on a date. Some of you will have to try another woman next week, and some will already have been on their dates. As that was covered in yesterday’s installment, we will today look at date two and beyond. Making it work in the long run.

The Obligatory Vintage Ravnica: City of Guilds Review

JP tells you about the new duties he has assumed in the community while also providing the skinny on all the cards from Ravnica that should make an impact in the Vintage world.

Ravnica for Legacy

Yes, I’m a tool who wrote Yet Another Set Review. However mine focuses on Legacy. You know, that new format where you absolutely want all the new tech?

2005 Championship Deck Challenge: Green/Black Beats for Champs

Welcome to the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge!
Guild Week in the 2005 Championship Deck Challenge concludes with the World Champ taking a look at what the Golgari Guild has to offer for States. Clearly Green/Black Control builds are best served by playing the Gifts Ungiven engine, but what does a more aggressive deck look like?

The Prisoners’ Dilemma – Time Vault Combo in Legacy

It’s a little early to tell what the best Time Vault/Flame Fusillade combo deck looks like, but Stephen Menendian thinks he has a pretty good idea. If he’s right, Legacy is now broken right in half.

Eyes On The East: Ravnica and Japanese Limited Axioms

Eli Kaplan, occasional coverage reporter for magicthegathering.com, has lurked on Japan’s top 100 Limited rating lists for the last year. Sitting at the feature match table, he’s observed the Far East’s best at work. Today he relates past stories of Invasion limited and relates Japan’s old strategies to Ravnica’s new challenges.

SCG Daily: Geeks and Girls 4

If you have been following my advice from this week’s previous installments you are by now acquainted with a female with whom you could see yourself in a relationship with. Before you get there, though, you will need to go through the process of dating.

Reviewing Ravnica for Legacy: The Five Colors

Let’s talk turkey. Set reviews are one of those evil necessities we writers have to do. We do it not because we want to, but because we have no life and have a fascination with mechanically scrutinizing to-be-printed 5′ x 3′ pieces of cardboard. Or simply because you readers love them. Admit it, you know you do.

Ravnica Constructed Set Review Part VIII: Lands, Selected Cycles, and Wrapup

Mike Flores Reviews Ravnica: City of Guilds!

This is it, folks. The final installment for this monster review of what could be Magic’s best set yet. Today the legendary michaelj covers the Lands, Cycles (including the very powerful Hunted creatures), and the mechanics of Ravnica, detailing everything you need to know about Ravnica for Constructed. If you missed out on the earlier installments we’ve linked them all below for easy accessability.

[Black ]
[Red ]

SCG Daily: Geeks and Girls 3

One thing we gamers often do is berate each other’s intelligence – it makes us feel good to be smart compared to our surroundings and we calmly expect others to try to do the same to us. If you have spent a lot of time in geek only-surroundings, you need to be aware that girls will often be offended if you roll your eyes or talk down at them when they don’t understand something. Gamer lingo is of course strictly forbidden in these conversations, as it is intended exclusively for gamer to gamer communication. It may very well come from the bottom of your heart, but don’t go telling a girl she’s “getting big.”