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Spotlight on Standard – Peace of Mind: Eyes on Honolulu

This week, your Premium writers will be commenting on the upcoming Pro Tour event, with analyses of what decks to see, how the format will shape up, and updated revisions of existing powerhouses. We kick off with Mike Mason’s excellent run-down of the both the existing and approaching metagame. All the current contenders examined, with forthright commentary on strengths, weaknesses, and card choices.

A Pentacle of Spectacles

Magic is all about moments… the lessons you learn, the mistakes you make, the triumphs you pull from the jaws of defeat. Today, Mike tells the tales that made him the player, and writer, that he is today. A wonderful article showcasing the many mistakes of “BP” Flores. Mike certainly learnt from his mistakes… can you?

SCG Daily – The Effects of Misplays

Sometimes you lose in Magic because you get manascrewed, sometimes you lose because you get land-flooded, sometimes you lose because you’re playing the wrong deck, and sometimes you lose because you misplayed.

Winning it All – A Grand Prix Richmond Report *1st*

Rich takes us step-by-step through his triumphant performance at the recent Grand Prix Richmond. Sealed Deck tips, Draft strategies, match reports, and card analysis from one of the greatest Limited players in the world today.

Magical Hack: Drafting with Guildpact

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

Having discussed the Sealed Deck environment quite thoroughly, I’ve been wanting to limit my scope to Draft, to see how specifically it has changed with the addition of Guildpact. Sealed Deck is all well and good, but it’s not a format where you control your destiny; as a skill-testing format it’s certainly excellent with the current set of cards, but nothing tests your skills in quite the same way as sitting down and choosing just one card forty-five times.

Not A Feature Match: A Grand Prix Richmond Report *9th*

[Although this article originally ran as part of yesterday’s update, scheduling issues resulted in it being posted several hours late. We present it again today, for anyone who may have missed it. – Craig]

Gadiel is back. Today, he shares his highs and lows from Grand Prix Richmond. Is he annoyed at his final placing? Does he rant and rage against the folks he faced? What does he make of the crop of Magic cheaters unearthed at the tournament? Love him or hate him, the answers lie within…

SCG Daily – Realities of the Late Game

A lot of Magic players seem to have an… interesting idea of what typically happens in the late game. They’ve gotten it into their heads that the late game is where Genesis comes online, and recurs things for, like forever! Where Treasure Trove draws infinity cards! And where you recur Cranial Extraction with Hana Kami to remove from game all your opponent’s win conditions!

The Kitchen Table #120: When the Mana Comes Around

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

The most important weapon in a Magic player’s arsenal – be they torunament players or casual players – is Consistency. Today, Abe shares his insights on the assembly of a casual manabase. He brings tips on creating a solid foundation for a casual deck, and tells us the lands all casual players should aim to acquire.

Sealed Revealed 4: Ravnica/Guildpact Cardpool #3

Today’s Sealed Revealed sees Craig battling the toughest pool yet. We’re all familiar with the Ravnica/Guildpact Dilemma: too much good stuff, too many colors. However, what do you do when the pool is weaker than a newborn kitten? Can this pool be salvaged? Craig imparts his insights, along with his usual dose of humor.

Legacy Psychatog

Control-based Psychatog has broken every format since the card’s printing in Odyssey block. To this day, despite numerous upheavals in its respective formats, Tog remains a top tier deck in Extended, taking First Place at Grand Prix: Los Angeles; and, in Vintage, taking Second Place at the most recent Waterbury, where it lost to Grow-a-Tog, of all things. But Psychatog’s absence in Legacy is perplexing.

Drafing Drakes with Guildpact

One of the more interesting Draft strategies to emerge from the triple-Ravnica format was the so-called “Drake Draft,” mastered by Raphael Levy. His previous articles on the archetype suggested that the strategy would be all-but dead come Guildpact. Well, Raphael is back today to tell us that Drafting Drakes with Guildpact is still as strong, if not stronger! This article contains all the tips and strategy you need to win with this exciting archetype!

Magic Online Musings: This Week on MTGO #3

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

Blisterguy returns with his weekly examination of all things MTGO. Today, he updates the online price lists, and takes us through a Premier Event Top 8 in detail.

SCG Daily – The Process of Choosing Your Deck

In the third of this enlightening series, Richard shares his process for tournament deck selection. He waxes lyrical on the Metagame Circus, and breaks down a few myths regarding matchups and percentages.

Food For Thought: Ride The Lightning – Red Deck Wins in Standard

In today’s Control heavy environment, where players love to gather lands, have lots of permanents, and either throw out some fat 4/4’s or 5/5 Flying Legendary Dragon Spirits, it’s not unusual for other players to take a… different approach. Some call this the wrong approach. They would, of course, be wrong themselves. What I’m talking about is Red Deck Wins. This article is a direct response to Mike Flores’ piece about the Red Guildpact cards. To put it bluntly, Flores got Leyline of Lightning 100% wrong.

Sealed Revealed 4: Ravnica/Guildpact Cardpool #2

Craig continues his Sealed Deck series by examining a difficult pool with many interesing decisions. Are the cards strong? Does the cardpool send out clear signals? How can we utilize the power? Are the Green spells luring us into a trap? Deck tips, card evaluations, and humor, in one tidy package.