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The Kitchen Table #125: Retiring the Most Underused Cards of All Time: Volume V

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

Abe returns to retire some of the most underused cards in Casual Magic. He’s looking for a spanking… will the forum folk oblige?

My Magic Time

We are proud to present Mark Rosewater, waxing lyrical as only MaRo can… Want to know what goes on in the hallowed halls of Wizards of the Coast? They say that we are all but the sum of our parts… Mark reveals his parts for you today.

The Big Deal About Little Pictures, Part 2

For his stint on StarCityGames.com, the mighty Matt shares insights into the artistic process. He reveals a little too much about Dissension, and shows us the future of card design!

Turn 1 Thrills

Randy brings us the sights, the sounds, and the smells from deep in the R&D Trenches. Ever wondered what goes on in the average R&D day? Have you ever wondered just what happened during the design of Arcbound Ravager? Read on as Mr Buehler reveals all…

Chump Blocking = Card Advantage – A GP Cardiff Report, Part 1 *Winner*

StarCityGames.com’s very own Martin Dingler entered Grand Prix Cardiff with little more than Day 2 ambitions. Three byes, courtesy of a GP Trial, meant he stood a great chance… but his Draft practice beforehand wasn’t promising. Just how did “Ding!” Dingler beat the strongest Limited players Europe has to offer on the way to a Grand Prix title? Read on to find out…

A Non-Blue RRG Draft Walkthrough

By his own admission, Nick is a fan of the Blue spells. Ravnica/Guildpact Draft is no exception to this… however, Nick has lately been dabbling in the murky waters of Green and Black, with strong results. Today, he presents a comprehensive Draft walkthrough, with each pick examined and each match replayed. Want to draft like the pros? Here’s how…

Pancakes and Meatballs at GP: Madison

I’ll be honest with you. I couldn’t think up a title for this article, but I wanted something more interesting than “Grand Prix Madison Report 2006,” and this was the first thing that came to mind. I guess I must be hungry or something; nothing relating to pancakes or meatballs actually happened (to us) at this tournament.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Quoz’s Revenge

What will the dice bring today? I doubt today’s deck can top yesterday’s Battlewagon-power fest, but can Abe at least equal it? They say a cook is only as good as his ingredients. What will Abe’s ingredient be?

The Kitchen Table – Closed Until Tomorrow

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

Unfortunately, Abe Sargent’s adventures at the Kitchen Table will not be available today, for technical reasons. Be sure to return tomorrow, when we’ll have a double-dose of casual goodness!

The $16,000 Lightning Helix – A PT Honolulu Report, Part 2 *2nd*

Magic the Gathering Pro Tour Honolulu!

Craig returns with the final part of his entertaining Honolulu report. His Day 2 performances, the role of luck in Magic, and the story of that incredible Lighning Helix… all available with one click of the mouse. The sights, the sounds, the plays, and the glory… only available at StarCityGames.com!

[Click here to read The $16,000 Lightning Helix – A PT Honolulu Report, Part 1 *2nd*]

Grim Longing in Virginia – A Report *T8*

After a Top 8 performance and an eight-hour sleep, Stephen took to the field of Sunday’s SCG P9 Richmond tournament with an Ichorid-free deck. Not content with claiming a Top 8 spot the previous day… Stephen wanted to repeat the experience. Another day, another report filled with expert advice and play-by-play walkthroughs, from the pen of one of the premier Vintage minds in the game today.

Magic Online Musings: This Week on MTGO #8

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

The blisterguy is ill this week… but he’s still done his best to put virtual pen to virtual paper. From the isolation of his sick-bed, he brings you the bare bones of the Magic Online metagame. Why does he do it, if he feels so low? Because he loves us all that much.

Maybe It Is As Simple As Black and White: Orzhov Control in Post-Honolulu Standard

While I was following the Honolulu coverage, I was immediately drawn to the presence of Dimir House Guard present in the large number of Orzhov-based control decks. These control decks were utilizing the Temporary Solution idea of having multiple maindeck tutor targets that were versatile against the field (Wrath, Fetters), as well as singletons or silver bullets. It was a brilliant strategy.

SCG Daily – A Deck a Day: Oh, My Keldon

Do you dream of attacking with an unstoppable creature? Ever wanted to swing with the largest monster possible? Do you aspire to smash face with a ridiculously powerful beast?

If so, Abe’s your guy. A monster that beats with a six figure power? How can you not read this?

Food For Thought: Mono-White UrzaTron

I’ve just had one of those moments. This happens to me often. Particularly when a new set arrives. I wonder just exactly what the emotion is – euphoria? Elation? Wonderment? There’s an intangible something that goes off in my head, and it just exploded.

I have seen the next big thing.