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Yawgmoth’s Whimsy # 142: Whither 5-Color?

Last month, Pete wrote an article about the how, why, and history of bannings. Nothing much happened when the new banned and restricted list came out on March 1st — but bannings and restrictions are causing a huge uproar in the 5-Color format. It’s safe to say that the format with Chaos Orb is in chaos itself.

Magic Online Musings: This Week on MTGO #9

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

Blisterguy is back, fully refreshed and feeling feisty! After a week-long illness, he returns to form with more musings on the Magic Online metagame, and more price information than is strictly healthy.

SCG Daily – The Magic Closet

I was curious if anyone could think of any Pros in the history of the game who were openly gay. We couldn’t think of any one, any one at all. I mean, the Europeans all wear capris and Katsuhiro Mori carries a purse, but he also gets mad honeys.

Team Standard: Extremes in Positioning

In the second of his week-long series, Mike explores the successful Vore list for Team Standard. Templating, sideboards, matchups… it’s all here. Plus, some clinical advice on team seating, for those who are looking for the killer edge in their upcoming PTQ!

[Click here to read Optimal Configuration and Optimal Mistakes: Searching for Jonny Magic]

Expectations for Standard

Terry Soh breaks down the current Standard metagame into easy-to-digest chunks, dealing with all the top archetyps at once. He outlines the strengths and weaknesses of the current contenders, and provides some interesting sideboarding options. Couple this with preliminary thoughts on the Team Standard format, and you have a strong article for beginners and experts alike!

From Right Field: Code Grey! — The Orzhov Preconstructed Deconstruction, Part 2

Read Chris Romeo... every Tuesday at

Chris continues his examination of the Orzhov precon deck… with suprising results. Could this precon experiment be a success? Read on to find out…

SCG Daily – The Sobering Realities: Delusions of Grandeur and Self-Importance

Billy continues his journey of introspection through the mists of Magic, and imparts some wisdom to those who hide thier hobbies away…

The Weekly Guild Build: Token Effort

This week’s pool gives me strong blue with no Counterspells or card drawing, insane Selesnya cards without a token producer to be found, strong Green with almost no beef, and strong White with a single weak flier. What is this, Bizarro world?

Optimal Configuration and Optimal Mistakes: Searching for Jonny Magic

In the first of a week-long series of daily articles, Mike examines the Team Constructed format. Today, he has a cautionary tale involving his own team and their performance at a recent Pro Tour Qualifier… He openly admits his mistakes, and invites you to spot them. Bad Player Flores surely lived up to his name, but Good Writer Flores is alive and kicking!

Chump Blocking = Card Advantage — GP Cardiff Report, Part 2 *Winner*

Martin “Ding” Dingler returns with Day 2 tales from his recent triumph at Grand Prix Cardiff. Did his “Draft the Big Monsters” strategy continue unabated? Did he experience more of his phenominal luck? And did someone really pass him TWO Rumbling Slums? Read on to find out…

[Click here to read Chump Blocking = Card Advantage — GP Cardiff Report, Part 2 *Winner*]

SCG Daily – Magic Musings

In the shallow depths of a Long Island Iced Tea, Billy ponders why he plays our little game… Reflection, inspiration, and sharp writing, from one of the true characters of the game.

Mixed kNuts: Fun With Ninjas and Friends

Teddy Card Game returns with a comprehensive breakdown of a as-yet unheralded Standard deck. In his last article, he invited his readers to vote for the weapon of choice… and the ninjas won out. Ninja Stompy gets the Knutson treatment, and he also shares his thoughts on Team Standard. Plus, more of the random Knutson nonsense we all know and love…

Must Be Nice – Winning Grand Prix: Madison *1st*

While best known for his Japanese translation, Takanobu Sato recently enjoyed a high-profile performance at GP Madison. Along with the rest of Team Faddy Josh, they swept the field and finished in first place. We welcome him as a new Featured Writer, and present his entertaining report on the proceedings.

Freeing James Beeton at Grand Prix: Madison *Finalists*

As a supplemental treat for our Premium membership, we present another new face to our Featured Writer lineup… Kyle Goodman. Kyle, along with the rest of Team FJB, placed second at GP Madison (losing to Team Faddy Josh). Want to know the score from the other side of the final table? Kyle spins the tale…

Magical Hack: The Grandest Trick

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

In today’s edition of Magical Hack, Sean examines both Ravnica/Guildpact Sealed deck and the upcoming Team Standard format.