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SCG Daily – The Three-Mana Men

Monday was the one-drop, Tuesday was the two-drop… can you guess what Wednesday brings? Another fine list of creature madness from the inestimable JFR.

Drafting Azorius in RGD

With Regionals now behind us, it’s time to turn to our Limited game. Qualifiers for Pro Tour Kobe are looming large, and the RGD Draft format is still a confusing miasma of ideas and themes. Today, Nick attempts to shine a torch through the fog, and shows us the strengths – and weaknesses – of basing your drafts in the traditionally control-crazy Blue White Azorius guild. Can the White guys live up to the crushing R/U/G archetype? Nick reveals all…

Stories And Strategy From Pro Tour Prague

RGD Lessons from Pro Tour: Prague!

Jeroen went into Pro Tour Prague with a clear head and definite plans. He knew the colors he wanted, and he hoped to make Top 8. Unfortunately, his plans backfired… and his head wasn’t clear for long. In this enlightening report, Jeroen shares the sights, sounds, and smells from the Pro Tour Lounge. He also gives us some of the tips he picked up from rocking the side drafts. Wanna sample the true Pro experience? Then read on…

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy # 146: Dissension in Multiplayer, Part II

Pete presents part two of the review slanted towards Multiplayer, plus some too-late-for-Regionals “tech,” and a fun multiplayer deck. You know when you are really busy but have a taste for something, so you throw together a strange mix of stuff for dinner? Yeah, it’s like that.

SCG Daily – The Two-Mana Men

Today, we continue our journey into nothingness with the two mana creatures, which are, of course, the second-worst cards in Magic when you first start playing, and just about the shizzou when you finally get tired of dying with that just-one-more-mana 7/7 in your hand.

The Magic Trivia Contest – Answers!

Jeff presents the answers for his latest Magic Trivia Contest. How did you score? Better than I did, I’m sure. One lucky winner picks up $25 in store credit… is it you?

The Weekly Guild Build: Blink And You’ll Mizzet

Read The Ferrett... every Monday at
StarCityGames.com!As a casual player, I did a little soft-shoe in the store when I opened my Niv-Mizzet, that card-shootin’ dragon with the mostest… But I also opened not one, not two, but three Guildmages to help boost the power. And yet none of those Guildmages were Blue. What’s a playa to do?

Understanding in a MODO Crash: Pro Tour Prague Revisited

RGD Lessons from Pro Tour: Prague!

Yes, that’s right… a second Tim Aten article in less than a month! Before the inevitable deluge of Regionals reports and Standard tech threatens to devour us all, Mr Aten brings us an irreverent look back at the players and performers of Pro Tour Prague. He also highlights some of the important additions that Dissension brings to the Limited arena…

Flying High at Pro Tour Prague: The U/G/R Gambit *11th*

RGD Lessons from Pro Tour: Prague!

Terry came close. Very close. Going into his last pod, he needed a result of 1-1-1 or better to slide into the Top 8. Sadly, the wheels fell off his wagon… Even so, he believes he’s cracked the RGD draft format, and he’s positive there’s only one archetype worth drafting if you’re serious about success. He drafted the same colors in every single pod at the Pro Tour… can it work for you?

SCG Daily – The One-Mana Men

This week, instead of trying to break things wide open, which I am, quite frankly, unable to do all by myself, ever, I figured I’d go and piss many of you off, which I am, quite franklier, willing and able to do. Not that I intend to anger or rile or antagonize… it’s just that when you offer a list of the top ten of anything, you’re liable to need witness protection.

The Magic Trivia Contest!

Do you have a lot of useless knowledge about all things Magical? Are you itching to show that you’re smarter than everyone else? Well, this is your big chance! Today, I will be posing 100 Magic-related trivia questions. The person that scores the most points is the winner, and will be acknowledged next week, along with the answers. Oh, did I mention that the winner also gets $25 of StarCityGames.com store credit?

The Road to Regionals – Like Signets in Vore: A Three-way Dance

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

Regionals is tomorrow, and today we have five Premium articles devoted to the subject! The first is Mike Flores, who recently pitted his wits, and Annex Wildfire, against a pair of decks piloted by Steve Sadin. Steve’s take on the matchups is presented below… How did Flores fare? Is the unheralded Annex Wildfire a contender for the coming metagame? Can it cope with with Heartbeat and Ghost Husk? Click here to find out!

The Road to Regionals – Hybrid Theory and Critical Snakes

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

We welcome Patrick Chapin to our swelling ranks of Featured Writers, in perfect time to share an innovative “Tribal” deck that has power and consistency. Can the whipping-boy of the Kamigawa tribe pull together to form a contender in the Regionals metagame? Plus, Patrick provides a detailed tournament report, where he faced off against a number of colorful characters. An excellent read, and a deck that’s definitely off the radar.

The Road to Regionals – Mixed kNuts: Regionals 2006, Card Game UNLEASHED!

Magic the Gathering Regionals!

As is customary for any large Constructed tournament, the esteemed Theodore Cardgame presents his metagame breakdown… or does he? We know Regionals is gonna be huge, but we also know that the current Standard metagame is mesmerizing in its complexity. So, has Ted pulled it off? Or has he fallen by the wayside, blind and impotent, raging at the sky? You’ll have to read on to find out…

The Road to Regionals – Magical Hack: Know Thy Enemy

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

Yesterday, I discussed the logic behind how Dissension is likely to change the post-Honolulu metagame that evolved during the Team Standard Qualifier season for Pro Tour: Charleston. Today, we’ll be covering some of the same territory but with decklists this time, to try and figure out where the tolerances of each deck lie so as to get a good sense for what changes might attune the deck to different potential metagames.