
AuthorKen Krouner

Ken was on the gravy train for over a year. His accomplishments in that time include 8th place at Worlds 2002, 9th place at US Nationals 2002, and top 4 of GP Los Angeles.

Ask Ken, 07/19/2004

How much card draw is enough? For sixty-card decks, how much should be card draw (assuming it’s available)? Is there a formula/general rule, or is the only real way to know extensive testing?

The Mirrodin Block Limited Review – Darksteel Green and Artifacts

While I did receive quite a bit of criticism in Seattle for my pick articles, I received just as much praise. I think this proves that my often praised, often criticized style of not exactly ordering picks is correct. However, I do think that just randomly ordering them in groups can be misleading. In this article, I will try to more accurately organize them. The pick orders still won’t be exact, but they will be a lot closer than they have been in the past.

Ask Ken, 07/09/2004

Please settle a debate. I was playing in the semi finals of a Type Two tournament in game three against Elf and Nail. I am playing Affinity with Thirst for Knowledge and Thoughtcast. Should I have kept the following?

Ask Ken, 07/08/2004

The Great Potato is this week’s guest host. Please join Mike as he takes on this saucy subject: What do you think about Magic-Blogs?

Ask Ken, 07/05/2004

I’ve put in a lot of time drafting this past year, and have become better at it than I’ve ever been. How likely am I to stay a good drafter when we change blocks?