AuthorJonathan Medina

Jonathan Medina is an expert at Magic card pricing and trading. He recently flexed his trading skills by trading up from a pack of Rise of the Eldrazi to a Mox Pearl.

Going Infinite – Post-Rotation Pickups

If you want some tips on what to pick up for Innistrad’s incoming, Jonathan Medina is here to help! Here’s a list of the most important core and support cards from Standard.

Going Infinite – A Boy And His Bot

A year ago, Jonathan Medina tried maintaining his own Magic Online bot. Read about the perils of the MTGO market and why bots are more trouble than they’re worth.

Going Infinite – Reading Markets

The Pro Tour is over, but grinding the markets never takes a break. Find out how to read the market as it fluctuates more than ever, particularly for Modern cards.

Going Infinite – Introduction To Pricing

Jonathan Medina gives you an introduction to pricing your cards if you plan on selling them as an individual trader. He shows you all the resources available and gives you the power to make sure the price is right!

Going Infinite – Legacy vs. Modern

Is Legacy in danger? What is the future of Legacy with Modern now an official Pro Tour format? Jonathan Medina analyzes this battle between nonrotating formats.

Going Infinite – More Modern

Modern has come to life, and Jonathan Medina takes you through his thought process on the format as well as what staples and pieces to pick up now!

Going Infinite – Gen Con Trading Report

This weekend, a lot of new cards have been gaining attention for all kinds of formats, such as Standard, Legacy, and Modern. Check in with Jon Medina to make sure you know which cards to pick up now!

Going Infinite – Modern And The Safer Path

Now that Modern has been confirmed as a real, future format, Jonathan Medina advises you on how to make smart investments now.

Going Infinite – How To Grind A Mox

Jon Medina provides some examples of trading at buylist pricing and how to initiate it and carry it through. In this article, he acquires a Mox Ruby and trades it away for a sizeable stack!

Going Infinite – Birthing Pod And Other Standard Risers

Jonathan Medina takes a look at some of the rising prices of cards from M12 and the new Standard, along with some speculation on what you should be scooping up before their prices climb.

Going Infinite – Your M12 Survival Guide (aka My Review)

Jon Medina reviews M12! For anyone who trades Magic cards out there and wants to become a trade master like Medina, check out this article and stay on top of the Magic finance metagame.

Going Infinite – Chandra Is Better Than Jace

The new planeswalkers are the talk of the town! What will the price of these planeswalkers be once M12 hits stores? Which planeswalker has the most potential?

Going Infinite -Life After Jace

How will the banning of Stoneforge Mystic and Jace affect the financial future of Standard? What cards should you be investing in right now? Check in with Jon Medina to see what he’s picking up!

Going Infinite – The New Commander Decks And You

Wondering which Commander deck is the best value buy? Wondering what the future prices of the Commander singles will be? Should you buy now or later? Jon Medina answers all these questions about the new Commander product and more.

Going Infinite – Sowing The Seeds Of Providence

The effect of GP Providence is being felt in the Magic financial world. Jon Medina talks about some of the major cards that rose to prominence due to their utility in Legacy: Ancestral Vision, Batterskull, and more.