
AuthorDaniel Crane

Daniel Crane's first Magic deck was about 120 cards, control-heavy, and had the amazing Unstable Shapeshifter/Phyrexian Dreadnought combo. Over the next five years, most of Daniel's decks have changed only in card count. One tournament-worthy deck, a binder, and loads of casual decks keep him in the game and provide the fuel for his writing at Star City that has endured for more than three years.


For those of you who recognize the reference I made in my title, this article is not about politics OR Saturday Night Live. Actually, it – like all other articles I write – is about Magic. But, this one is a bit different. Usually I write something about the storyline, or new rules, or my…

You’re SUPPOSED To Read This

I just got through reading Friggin’ Rizzo’s article " Mode: On." (I started about six or seven hours ago.) I have one question for my readers: "Am I the only one who stands by Rizzo?" (By no means – ) Rizzo, I don’t know if I’ve ever written you a personal email, but I’ll tell…

Magic Writers: The Next Cards In The New Expansion?!

What’s Invasion known for? Extremely expensive spells that do amazing things. Not the least of these are the awesome legends that are included in the set. Ranging from Dragons to Clerics to Angels, Wizards has arrayed the set with various different kinds of legends. But, they left one legend type out: Creature – Writer Legend….

Welcome To My Nightmare

Greetings, all! This week, I’ve decided to torture you. We’re going to be doing a little bit of role-playing. The main focus of this article: To express the sheer amount of Jedi Tricks and other joyfully amazing plays available in the current Type II. Let’s get to it, shall we? Scenario One: In this scenario,…

Newsflash: Missing Man Finally Found!

Greetings, readers! Today, I thought I’d do something different (for me; I’m more like Sean Ponce than this week!). For those of you new to , you wouldn’t know about our previous editor, . Sometime in June, Omeed got an invitation to move up the ladder of success to move from editor of StarCityCCG.com to…

A “Uniquer” Look At Invasion

Much to my astonishment, last week’s article about the legends of Invasion was lacking. In order to achieve the data required for my article, I used MtGNews.com’s "sort by (creature type)" function. Unfortunately, that function didn’t cover creature types of "Something Legend." So, instead of entertaining you with a clever introduction to this article, I…

A Unique Look At Invasion

True, I am writing about Invasion. However, if you believe that that simple fact merits returning to Star City’s home page, then your beliefs need to be rearranged just this once. For, this article is most likely unlike any other that you’ll read about Invasion. Anyone who’s been reading my articles knows that I’m very…

MAGISCOPES, Part II: The Art Of Grubwology

I knew that you’d read this article! That’s because I am tapped into the mystic art of Grubwology – the science of determining personalities and futures according to what sort of player you are.* For those of you who don’t follow me regularly (but why would you click on anything with "Part II" in the…

MAGISCOPES, Part I: The Art Of Grubwology

Astrology is defined as "a pseudoscience, claiming to foretell the future by the supposed influence of the stars, planets, etc. on human affairs." When one is born, he’s categorized into one of twelve zodiac signs that always remain the same – and because of his birthdate, certain things are bound to be true about his…

Rehash Central: The Savior Of Magic

Look at me, I’m : What do , , and have in common? Answer: They were all bases for later cards. And it’s my opinion that the recycling of ideas is what will keep Magic alive for a long time. Now, I admit that wasn’t really a predecessor for the other Spikes; it was simply…

My First Stab At A Tournament Report

On Sunday, August 27th, I entered the one and only Star City Comics to play in one of their $1000 Type II tournaments. In advance, I had decided to write a report about this event. I was hoping to bring to my readers a primer on how to make Top Eight. Well, my plans didn’t…

The (So Called) Invasion Of Invasion

"Invasion" is defined as "invading or being invaded as by an army." "Invade" can be defined as "to intrude upon, violate." On our calm field of Magic, an invasion is about to begin – and I’m not talking about Phyrexia. For two years, players have reveled in the glory of the Artifacts Cycle. Urza’s Saga…

Pokemon As Saviors And Other Non-Related Topics

Greetings once again! For the past week I have been absent from all things Magical. Since I have been returned to my normal schedule of activities, I’ve had only a normal time for reading Magic-related articles. Therefore, catching up has been a bit of a problem. I hope that nothing drastic has happened in my…

A Use For Carnival Of Souls!

Okay, so it’s not a viable one, but I thought that a title like that sure would make you want to read the article! And, seeing as how you’re here, I’m assuming that it worked. (Yeah, I know what they say about "assuming" and "u" and "me," but it doesn’t make any difference, so lay…

Six Of One And Half-Dozen Of Another?

Twice! Twice in a row I’ve gotten on Meridian Magic. Well, ain’t I just the most honored writer on the ‘Net? (Answer: No.) But, last week, I promised my faithful readers a serious article – so enough about me. I was having a discussion about how two cards added up to each other a little…