
AuthorAnthony Lowry

Anthony Lowry has been a dominant force in the northeast IQ circuit, with one of the largest number of top 8s last year, propelling him toward the top names on the Open Series. He is a major ambassador for the community, and his passion for the game is rivaled by few.

Making Statements

Anthony Lowry reacts to the post-Pro Tour metagame and shares how he will adjust. Is this the format we’ve been wanting? He then discusses Jeskai Ascendancy in Modern and what you can do to get ahead of it during the $5,000 Modern Premier IQ at #SCGWOR!

Standard Sleepers!

The Pro Tour is incoming, and there are a lot of very powerful Standard cards that have yet to see the big tables of the new format! Anthony Lowry examines which cards you may be sleeping on a little too soon…

Finding The Right Mardu Deck

Anthony Lowry has stuck to the clan he chose during spoiler season! But if you’re onboard with Mardu, you have to make the right card choices in order to compete with the other big strategies. Find out which cards are home runs, and which are strikeouts in this crucial archetype!

Tough Love

Anthony Lowry has some effective methods for optimizing Magic and life in general. Read his words of wisdom and discover how to prevent burn out, anger, and other negative emotions that have huge effects on your well-being!

The Things You Can Do In Khans Standard

When jumping into a new format, the first thing you must decide is what you actually want to do! Here, Anthony Lowry explains the options available for aggro, midrange, and control strategies that will come from Khans of Tarkir!

Building A Better Fetchland

Everyone thinks the new fetches are big for Modern, but Anthony Lowry is here to tell you that they aren’t just big–they’re huge. Apply his manabase theory to your efforts at the $5,000 Modern Premier IQ at #SCGATL!

Building A Better Loam

Loam strategies have yet to make big waves in Modern, but the card was a powerhouse in both Standard and Legacy. Anthony Lowry tries to correct this trend by providing some refreshing lists for #SCGSTL!

Plan B

Anthony Lowry is getting hyped for #SCGINVI this weekend! Here, he shares his thoughts on both Standard and Legacy going into the event, then provides the lists he’s considering!

Waking The World

The aftermath of Ichikawa’s Pro Tour breakout continues as Jund Planeswalkers has another champion in Anthony Lowry! See his detailed sideboarding guide so you can attack the metagame at #SCGDC!

Tales Of An IQ Adventure!

Anthony Lowry talks about all three of Magic’s major formats and provides some feedback on his current lists for all three! Find out his game plan for each and every major event coming up at #SCGNY!

Modern Misfits Finale

Anthony Lowry tells you about his experience at the latest Grand Prix piloting RUG Twin! Read his comparison of the different Twin archetypes before the IQ at #SCGDAL!

How I Learned to Appreciate Legacy

Anthony Lowry shares his journey from Legacy naysayer to community advocate in this reflective work. How can we help formats to flourish? Why is it important to try new things in Magic? Can it make us better players? Can it make us better people?

Predicting Shifts With Mono-Blue

Anthony is expecting Magic 2015 to have a more seismic impact on the Standard metagame than most are predicting so far. How do these effects ripple out, and how can we predict them – and place ourselves properly to exploit them?


Anthony looks at the oft-misunderstood qualities of Chandra, Pyromaster – and notes the similarities she shares with Magic 2015’s new breed of planeswalkers, with all of them just a little bit hard to wrap your head around.