
Sweet Tweets: Tournament Time

This weekend we had three major tournaments to watch the biggest names and brightest minds compete against one another last weekend: Grand Prix Minneapolis, Grand Prix Malmo, and SCG Orlando. Reuben Bresler brings you the Twitter story.

This is always a great time of year in sports, and this year is particularly good. Baseball is in full swing and non-traditional powers are rewarding long-suffering fans with success for the first time in years. The NBA and NHL playoffs are exciting, full of upsets and fantastic finishes. The Champions League final last Saturday was more heart attack inducing than a triple Baconator. This is a fantastic time to be a fan if you love the competitiveness of sports.

And it’s also a great time to be a spectator of competitive Magic. Last weekend was full of SCG IQs, PTQs, and various other prestigious money tournaments around the globe. And we had three really big ones to enjoy watching the biggest names and brightest minds compete against one another last weekend: Grand Prix Minneapolis, Grand Prix Malmo, and SCG Orlando.

The American Grand Prix last weekend was a homecoming of sorts was in store for SCGBlue’s team captains last weekend. Grand Prix Minneapolis is the closest GP to North Dakota native Brad Nelson (@fffreakmtg) this season, and Gerry Thompson (@G3RRYT) is originally from the City of Lakes. Both players created a lot of buzz over the course of the weekend, especially since Brad was on Nick Spagnolo (@sanitygrinding) innovative mono blue Grand Architect deck. But in the end, Christian Calcano won the tournament (#threesulfurfalls and all), and I know it couldn’t have happened to a nicer and more deserving person. Here’s a quick review of some of the highlights:



A short trip across the strait from Copenhagen, exciting things were happening for the Americans that decided to stay in Europe for another week after the Pro Tour for #GPMalmo. As unpredictable as sealed and draft can be, it looked to be a Dangerous Wager. Could they keep it up? Or would Swedish native Kenny Oberg (@ken_obe) or one of his countrymen take the title? Neither, as it turns out. Italian Magic writer Matteo Versari took down the title playing green in each of his 4 limited decks on his way to the championship belt (man, do I wish they gave out championship belts), including Don King himself Ulvenwald Tracker in the top 8 with his RUG deck:



And not to be outdone, #SCGORL was also last weekend. SCG Opens tend to be more likely to have new and unusual decks pop up as competitors in the metagame because players feel more free to attempt new things, and this weekend was no exception. Showcasing some new contenders for the Standard metagame, like @lewlaskin‘s Top 8 headliner Grand Architect, @BdeCandio‘s trip to Valuetown in Desolate Lighthouse, Horned Turtle extraordinaire and Time Walk wannabe Stonehorn Dignitary, and block PT all-star Wolfir Silverheart all made appearances on camera. Even @the_stybs‘ preview card got Twitter all ‘hoofed up,’ as Craterhoof Behemoth made craters in opponents’ life totals several times. It’s a brewer’s world in standard these days in the home of the Happiest Place on Earth:




And lastly, I would be remiss if I didn’t reference my (now former) podcastmate and dear friend Sam Stoddard (@samstod), who will be moving to the Pacific Northwest to take a position at Wizards of the Coast. I moved away from Columbus last week, and Sam leaving is a huge loss to the community, of which he has been a key part of for most of Magic’s history. I’m sad I couldn’t come up to join in the going away party, but here’s a photo from the festivities:



Good luck, Sam! Have fun with your dream job of making Magic cards for a living! May the wind always be at your back, may the sun shine warm upon your face, and may you never be blamed for ruining Magic (unlikely, but it’s a wish).

As for the rest of you, see you on the Internets!

Reuben Bresler


Video and Coverage Content Associate and Twitter Admiral for StarCityGames.com