

What Does It All Mean?

In this “level up” episode, Bryan presents Gerry with a simple scenario: Your opponent attacks their 2/2 into your 2/2. More than you imagine goes into deciding whether or not you block, and they use this scenario to illustrate how you should think when faced with a decision.

Reflecting On My Mythic Championship IV

MPL member Autumn Burchett details their struggles in preparing for Mythic Championship IV, showing barriers to proper deck selection that affect even the pros. Use their example to improve your processes!

Understanding The Wheel While Drafting

Reaching the wheel of a draft on Pick 9 of a pack gives you the most concrete information possible about the choices other drafters have made. Ryan Saxe shares how understanding the wheel can level up your Limited game!

Metagaming And Deckbuilding In 2019

With high-end Magic competition moving to open decklists, metagaming has transformed. Brad Nelson shares how he has adjusted and thrived, posting the only perfect record in the MPL Spark Split!