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      Good & Bad: Installation I

      Greetings, all my loyal fans and longtime readers. And hello to the rest of you that aren’t the six people mentioned above. Over the next few installations of "Unnamed Column," I’ll be discussing certain Magic cards which are bad despite popular belief. Similarly, I’ll be talking about how good cards are often slighted when it…

      Price Of Progress: Team Sealed

      First off, I’d like to apologize for the absence of my column, , over the past few weeks. Once in a long while, there comes a time when I’m qualified for an upcoming Pro Tour and I have nothing to do put practice. That makes for poor reading. On top of that, with the recent…

      Faeries Of The Coast – A Rogue Choice For Regionals

      Before splashed big in the metagame for Regionals, I was sitting in Neutral Ground playing a few friendly games of Type Two against Christopher Robin Senhouse. Breaking out a number of decks, I found myself constantly amused and annoyed at what I was losing to. "Attack you with my and Two ," said Chris. Down…

      From Out The Mouth Of Manders

      Sure, we’ll give you a passing grade. But first, let’s break your back with assignments and comprehensive testing. Lovely. I doubt this conjecture. I’ve got some aspiration to Professorship myself and having suffered so, I have no intention of finding retribution beating out my students brains, scholastically speaking or otherwise. It’s got to be some…

      Ged-don With It!

      has to be one of my favourite cards of all time. It’s won me games, matches and even a tournament. It’s such a powerful card that every time the basic set is rehashed it’s always in the list of cards that might be removed and, on top of all of that, it’s got a cool…

      Ged-don With It!

      has to be one of my favourite cards of all time. It’s won me games, matches and even a tournament. It’s such a powerful card that every time the basic set is rehashed it’s always in the list of cards that might be removed and, on top of all of that, it’s got a cool…

      Dear Magic

      Have you ever broken up with someone you knew you weren’t going to marry? Let’s say for argument’s sake that they didn’t do something horrible like sleep with your best friend. You just decided, after a lot of soul-searching, that it was time for the relationship to end. Ever done that? Let me tell you,…

      Beatdown Bargain

      One of the major problems that Sabre (or Bargain) has compared to the older version is that it can sometimes be stopped by an initially lucky counterspell draw, or by an extremely quick beatdown draw. While a lot of players initially found that they were winning against mono-green, as time passed and people began making…

      Make Your Own Alongi Article!

      Over the past two or three months, I have entertained several offers by well-meaning readers to pool resources and co-write a column or two. I have (politely, I hope) turned all of these down, not least because it is hard enough coping with the multiple screams in my head that direct my writing, without entertaining…

      Tragic Poetry

      "Love is like Oxygen…" ——————————– Since time immemm imemoreel immorem… since time began, man has wooed* the fairer sex with songs and poetry; primarily, of course, the purpose being to try and get into their pants – but we won’t be covering that today, o my brothers, not today. Poetry takes many a form and…

      Breaking Into New York

      That afternoon, while getting into my car, I dropped my bag. Bad omen. Oh yeah. I’m all about some bad omens. Aside from my almost getting strip searched (who’d have known there was metal in the hair-pull-back-majigger I use?), and Pete being harassed by a crazy x-ray detector guy, the actual trip was uneventful. Then…

      Three Decks For Regionals

      I am completely demoralized. My Limited and Extended ratings have both fallen below 1800. My writing was attacked by Tom Guevin. I failed to qualify for yet another PT. And it looks as though my magic future is in jeopardy. I need to save money. I can’t afford to go traipsing around any more trying…

      Importance Of Weaseling In Multiplayer: Is It?

      There is a theory of parapsychology that says that BELIEF DEFINES REALITY. In other words, all those -Filey things like ESP and telepathy actually do exist… but they’re dependent upon the good will of others to make them happen. If you put The Amazing Kreskin in a room with a bunch of doubting scientists, their…

      Call It “Hom-o-nock-a-lus” Again And I’m Going To Smack You

      So there I am, playing a little Nemesis mini-masters, safe from the allergens floating around outside just waiting to plague me, when my opponent slaps down a 1/1 blue creature and announces that he has cast a“Sneaky Hom-uh-NOCK-ah-lus.” And this virtually drives me to an apoplectic fit of rage. I want to reach across the…

      Withholding Information

      We’re headed up to Pro Tour: New York, for the weekend, which explains why this article, which would normally have surfaced on Friday, is here lousing up the internet today. I’m excited about going to New York– it’s going to be my first Pro Tour. I’ve been to Nationals, but never a Tour. Bear in…