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Epiphany: Might Of Oaks And That Annoying Kid

I’m pretty sure that I remember the EXACT moment when things started to make sense – in the World O’ Magic, at least. It was one little sentence that abruptly molded me into the what-the-hell-kind-of-player/writer-are-you that I am today. "What the hell are you?" -Jack Lemmon, Glengarry Glen Ross It all started during round 1…

A History Of Necropotence

New sets bring new ideas – sometimes, though, a new card sparks off the memory of an older time, a time when one red mana could cause three damage, a time when white had efficient creature removal. Invasion brings us a card called Blazing Spectre. The moment I saw it, I thought fondly of my…

The Multiplayer MTG Hall Of Fame Part I: Blue And Black

WHITE GENERAL COMMENTS: White is probably more able than any other color to recover from massive board-clearing spells. That?s a good characteristic in multiplayer. White?s basic strengths — LIFEGAIN, PROTECTION, UTILITY, and MASS REMOVAL — all translate just fine into multiplayer. All of these characteristics are represented here. Note that white and green are the…

Welcome To My Nightmare

Greetings, all! This week, I’ve decided to torture you. We’re going to be doing a little bit of role-playing. The main focus of this article: To express the sheer amount of Jedi Tricks and other joyfully amazing plays available in the current Type II. Let’s get to it, shall we? Scenario One: In this scenario,…

The Definitive Ankh Tide Sourcebook

Always wanted to write something like that: Definitive. Anyway, I think it probably shows something that I’m the guy that knows this deck. What that is, I’m not sure. It was an inferior deck for last season. I still won about 75-80% percent of my games and made local top 8s very consistently with it……

PTQ: Tokyo, Akron, Ohio

Can I blame the fact that I suck on Friday the 13th? Preamble, Friday the 13th: I done built some decks, woman! In anticipation of improving my 1-7 record in the (flat as hell) state of Ohio, bought a box of starters and boosters and built mad (as those wacky kids are known to say…


It’s no secret that I have a big problem with theory. I also don’t bother pretending that that isn’t where I spend most of my time. This apparent contradiction has led many to suppose I suffer from self-loathing or idiocy. Some gusto-seekers have gone so far as to wager on both. Let’s pretend I can…

My Brush with Greatness (And My Take on Invasion)

So there I was at the tourney, having gone 3-0, winning all six games in straight sets. I was the number-one player at the tourney so far, and sat at table Number One – a rarified air, believe you me – waiting for my next opponent to step up to the plate. I had just…


Now that we’ve covered WHERE you’re going to play, let’s cover WHAT you’re going to play. The Magic tournament environment is separated into basic formats: Constructed and Limited. Constructed includes Type 1, Type 1.5, Extended, Block Constructed and Standard. Limited is made up of Sealed Deck, Booster Draft and Rochester Draft. Each format has its…

Road to States: T-minus 15 days

“Instead of playing cards that aren’t just NOT BAD AGAINST ANYTHING, the Schneider-Ho school of thinking is to play the most powerful cards in the best decks.” -Lan Ho, from ‘ Dojo column”Building Broken Decks Volume IV” Reading this statement by Lan Ho really got me thinking. Rarely have I approached deckbuilding by examining the…

Weapons of Mass Distraction: Standard Weapons

WHAT, MORE STANDARD? As if the overwhelming amount of Magic strategy over the last three weeks hasn’t been almost COMPLETELY about Invasion and the new Type 2, I still can’t seem to think of anything but. So that’s what is in this week’s column: only Standard decks. I’m becoming a one-trick pony, I know, and…

Interview with Chris Pikula

Late last night I was trying to decide what would a be a nice break away from all of the Invasion madness that is flooding the web.”Interviews!” I thought, and I located 1999 Invitational winner . : To open the interview, I’d like to ask a basic question: what have you achieved so far as…


ONE-TWO-THREE-FOUR-FIVE I could regale you with tales of Grand Prix Manchester. Of my woeful experience with mana during the GP itself despite having a reasonable deck (I’m convinced I shuffled my way to bad draws – shiny, smooth sleeves that interweave tastily to clump every damn thing together – ah well) – all of the…

Stigmata And The Cleansing Of Magic

The Stigma… I was recently talking online with Beho (not his real name, though it should be) when he started on about this girl he recently met. I, partly in jest, said "Whatever you do, don’t let her find out that you play Magic!" he responded, perhaps partly jesting as well, (but I doubt it)…

Miscellaneous Musings

I’m a middling Magic player. I haven’t played on the Pro Tour and haven’t tried a PT qualifier, but I have been contemplating that and how I would approach it. It might be an experience to go there with many others. I’ll just go and see what it is like. It could be something more,…