1800 or Bust!: RDW2K + 1?
I wanted to play Sligh, but Fires killed it. My answer to this was to wonder how you could slow Fires down.
I wanted to play Sligh, but Fires killed it. My answer to this was to wonder how you could slow Fires down.
Or: An Analysis Of Psychological Conditions Potentially
Afflicting Magic Players.
This week’s column was prompted by Rizzo’s telling me to put or shut up. More importantly, it has to deal with several ups and downs that have affected me as a Magic player and my community as a whole. To begin with, I must explain what I mean by a "Decipher Counter," since that term…
For This Report, and/or, Who To Blame (if it comes down to that) I am submitting this article for three reasons which are: [1] I had a great time at the Planeshift Prerelease and wanted to share, [2] I was inspired by this article by Jason Dooley at http://www.7towers.net/articles/012501Dooley.htm, who admonishes us to record our…
First, the outcome of the Keldon Twilight”Break this Card” contest. Then, a proposed change to the Hall of Fame, for which I would appreciate reader feedback.
“And Johnnie is my main man / He’s the keeper of the keys / He’ll put your mind at ease / He’s guaranteed to please / Back by popular demand”
I’ve realized over the past couple of weeks that I can take a step back from Magic and be all right.
Think about what it takes to write articles on a regular
basis. Keep thinking.
An analysis of the various tweaks to the Pro Tour structure has affected the game.
Another author has already hijacked the ‘silly review’
bandwagon, tied us all up, and left us at the side of the forest road. So onward.
I have fourteen different Survival of the Fittest builds in my Extended folder. And I was just getting started.
The Judge goes from structured decisions to completely
psychotic rantings! What kind of drugs is he taking, and can we have some?
March of Souls is a quickly-recognized”chaff” constructed rare in Planeshift… Or is it?
I went to a Type II tourney and no Planeshift cards showed up. What happened?
Gerrard takes his fantastic vaudeville act on the road! Well, perhaps not a fantastic act. We think it’s an act. He’s on stage, anyway.