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1800 or Bust!: What Do I Want?

This is NOT an article about quitting Magic. But I’m asking why I continue to play.

Familiarity Breeds… Speed

I really think Familiars are going to be a vital part of decks for some time to come. Why? Speed kills.

The Dead Thread

The entire Featured Writer staff of Star City weighs in on last week’s article. WARNING: More issues-per-square-inch than any other Rizzo article, ever.

Trigger Happy: Eight Paths To Innovative Decks

Virtually every deck I have ever played started from one of these paths. I want to share these with you in hopes that you can use them to make creative decks of your own.

WEAPONS OF MASS DISTRACTION #107: Searching For Morphling

Has Dave found the new Morphling? People seem to say that as he beats them senseless with a flying Hippo and Reverse Ferrett Engineering.

Machinegun Rantings

Well, I haven’t been truly inspired to write anything of late, but so many columns out there have either touched me or irked me that I feel I must surface from the depths of indifference and bother the Ferrett…one more time. (Trust me, it ain’t a bother, it’s a pleasure — , connoisseur of fine…

Casual Play: Fun With Shivan Wurm – Now With Decklists!

Ooo, a contest! Anyone wanna win a nice Legends Kobold to bounce that Shivan Wurm with? Thoughts so.

Worst Expansion Ever?: A Planescape Prerelease Report

I was very much looking forward to this tournament, being on a serious tournament jones lately… As those who have followed my Magic musings know, I am horribly overworked and underpaid and haven’t been able to attend many tournaments as I would like. In fact, it had been over a month since I’d played in…

Friggin’ In The Riggin’

An interview with that most notorious of bald wrestlers, John F. Rizzo. Gosh, who knew that Rizzo was psychic?

The Real Story Behind Planeshift

What storyline hints lurk within the masses of flavor text within Planeshift? Daniel ferrets ’em out.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #75: A Writer’s Contract With The Reader

Since I am about to undertake a massive amount of Magic-related writing (PT: LA reports, Multiplayer Invitational musings, Planeshift haiku, etc.), I feel perfectly comfortable using this week’s Casual Fridays to talk about something beyond the game itself. I hope both casual and professional players interested in Magic writing will take a bit of time…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #76: Punishment And Haiku

…And to make up for our brief glitch last Friday, here’s TWO Alongi columns for you! Wanna hear about the multiplayer invitational?

Multiplayer Invitational: Bizarro World

And yet another take on the fabled seven-player game, along with a request for JUSTICE!

Flotsam And Jetsam

It seems that the Internet Writers Collective is being taken to task. The topic is how we all suck.

Bringing Out The Dead

Lay down, make yourself comfortable. It’s time for some Rizzo bootleg phychology.