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The Chicken Deck Contest Winner: Some Guys Have All The Cluck

I have submitted what I now call,”Chicken deck of the People.” I have no doubt that Rosewater will pluck this deck from the many selected: “Chicken deck of the People” (“Choking the Chicken” was so much better, but I bowed to commercialism) Creatures 4x Chicken a-la-King 4x 4x 4x 3x 1x 1x Shu Soldier-Farmer 1x…

An Adieu to Rishada

A poem, bidding farewell to the block we know so well.

Y’all Don’t Know Deck

John reveals the secret to his obscurely obscene deck, creates a few theme decks off the cuff, and tells you why he’s glad David Williams is out of the game.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #12: PTQ – Madison Report: What To Play…

Adrian Sullivan, sitting next to me, said”Pete, you’ve GOT to lose. This other deck should be in the top eight.” But I was hoping to smash a dream or two.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #101: Multiplayer Basics 101, And Odyssey Applications 201

A fresh look at some old group theory, and what cards may be rising in importance now that Threshold is rearing its ugly head. Yay ferrets!

Is There An I In Team?

I feel like I’m getting better, and I’d attribute that to several things that go together… Mainly, Team Binary.

Multiplayer Is An Art, Part 8: Giant Spider

Stijn finally answers the question all of us are waiting for: Is it possible to create a fun multiplayer format? The answer is yes… But only if it’s TRIBES, which Tom van de Logt and Kamiel Cornelissen play…

How To Do Better But Still Suck, Even With Help: PTQ New Orleans

Rogue deck designer Adrian Sullivan and classic strategy writer hand Rizzo a deck to help him try and qualify. We’d leave the suspense up, but frankly, the title says it all.

Sellout, Get the Hell Out

It picks up after I start talking about the U-Haul, I swear.

Chicken Deck Contest Update #1: The Embryo

Wow – you say the word”contest” and everyone goes crazy. I had an overwhelming* response to what I thought was a pretty silly idea. I can’t imagine how manages to deal with all of the Break This Card Contest Entries. It is truly overwhelming. My thanks to everyone who responded – and congratulations to Taylor…

Rocky Mountain Low, Part II: Lessons Learned From Denver

So Dave went 3-4 at GP: Denver. But why? What makes the difference between a Meddish and a Kastle?


If you cheat and get caught, you pay a thousand bucks to the DCI before you ever get to play again. Fantasy? Not if Sheldon has his way.

Peace of Mind: The Questions

Zvi Mowshowitz once asked ten questions that every deck had to answer. Mike revamps those questions for Invasion Block, and goes Zvi one better.

You CAN Play Type 1 #9: When Power Cards Are Bad Cards

Why didn’t the pros, theoretically the best player in the world, run Wheel of Fortune in last year’s Invitational decks? Rakso can’t figure it out, either.

Your Shot at Immortality: Auction of the People!

Four themed decks for the Invitational critter format. Heck, who doesn’t love it?