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The Road To Hell

Stop what you’re doing and read this now! You could be damning yourself to eternal torments! Click this link and SAVE YOUR SOUL!

Good Beats: Swan Song

The bells are breakin’ up that ol’ Pittsburgh gang o’ mine… First Rizzo’s moving to Maine, and now Aaron is quitting Magic – but for a VERY good reason.

November Standard Decks: Odyssey

Team Binary opens their mailing list to the world for a moment… And reveals some of the decks to beat! Looking for a starting point? It’s the Invitational and here.

Wu Spy: Drivin’ at Midnight in my Chevy

Looking for some good deck to play in November? If you’re a Blue addict, you may find yourself reaching for the and reflexively. Mono-blue’s Draw-Go dreams are dead, right? Maybe. But in the spirit of inquiry, we here at the Shack of Ideas humbly bring you: November Love Revolution Turbo-Chevy * (I’m a sucker for…

A Sligh Look at Odyssey, Pt. 1

Bennie tries a different take at looking at Odyssey – checking cards by mana cost. What cards might make the cut in what Bennie sez is a powerful set?

The Worlds (Attempted) Shortest Magic Article

This is the world’s shortest Magic article. (Barring Nate Clark’s two-character Worlds ’98 report submitted to the Dojo.) (The characters were " : " and " ( ".) (I gather he didn’t do too well.) This is going to be the world’s second shortest article, because I have an end-of-year exhibition for my chosen study…

Prerelease Report Of The Stars – Odyssey Prerelease

Two and a half weeks ago, I received an email which contained the location, date and starting time of the Odyssey prerelease. “There will be an Odyssey prerelease at the 22.9.01, Uri” , the email said to me. “The cost will be… 85 NIS (20$)!” (pause for applause) “The location… Matnas Shenkin, Tel-Aviv, Israel!” (pause…