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Book Of Records

Prof. Sneeeeep fills us in on some of the world’s greatest Magic records. As usual, he’s offensive, so no whining if you click the link!

Just Wild About Harry

Harry Potter’s got his own card game – why should he come to Magic? Because Magic deserves some magic too, darn it!

Why Wizards Is An Evil, Evil Corporation

Imagine that you are an amateur artist and you need four fine-tip markers to finish the drawing you’re making. However, the manufacturer of the markers you want sells them in weird packages. All packages of their markers contain eleven thick-tip markers, three medium-tip markers, and one fine-tip marker – so to get four fine-tip markers,…

The Multiplayer’s Toolchest, Part I

New to the game or looking for suggestions on what to put in your decks? The Ferrett suggests cheap staple cards that could be in ANY multiplayer deck! Plus, the opportunity to win $25 in SC credit!