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Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #30: The Ten Most Overlooked Cards In Regionals, And Filler

Well, he almost won the PTQ for Nice, and gives his tourney report for an outdated format… But hey, don’t you want Type 2 strategy now? Of course you do.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #128: Hall Of Fame Tour Guides: The Farmers By Anthony Alongi

Anthony’s been called into one too many meetings lately, so he only does lands. With poetry. Isn’t that enough?

The Many Faces Of Control

Ah, control, how do I love thee? Let me count the ways!

Truth and Insanity: The StarCity Deck Clinic

Driven by bad clinics elsewhere and whinings about the state of the internet Magic writing,”Force of” Will Rieffer decides to start up his own deck clinic… With a twist.

Double or Nothing: Last Gasp

Two days to Regionals. Down to three decks. Which one to choose?

Aborted Regionals Tech: Three Of The Worst Decks EVER

If you’re anything like me, you find some pretty embarrassing aborted attempts at technology when cleaning out your Apprentice”Decks” folder. Of course, everyone has ideas that just don’t go anywhere – it’s nothing to be of which to be ashamed. You’ll be sitting by yourself, maybe munching on something while you’re surfing around, and WHAM!…

Wacky Wednesdays #17: …And The World Went BOOM!

Win $5 in StarCity credit for sharing your craziest multiplayer stories!

Control Black: The Breakdown

I’ve been playtesting so much that I’m seeing Braids in my sleep… And she’s starting to look pretty darn good. Help me before I start making passes at Empress Galina!

Wacky Wednesdays Makes The Nationals, or: Why I Am One Lucky Judge!

It was Wednesday afternoon, my girlfriend was going away for the weekend, and I had no real plans yet. There was a qualifier for Dutch Nationals on Saturday – so I called Jaap to see if he was going. He would let me know Thursday, because he still had stuff to finish, he called and…

Gemini, Beats, and Junk: Three Decks To Look At Before Regionals

While I won’t be playing in any Regionals events (I think they’re called Provincials around here, though) this year, I’ve still been building up decks for Standard simply because I have no idea what else to do. While I have no real belief that I’m some sort of expert deck builder, perhaps the results of…

You CAN Play Type I #35: The Control Player’s Bible Part XVI – Why Control Sucks

Good Lord – after sixteen articles on The Deck and how to play it and what the sideboard is and the mana base and yadda yadda, NOW he tells us it sucks? Hey, thanks, pal.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #29: Heaving Over Upheaval

Peter comes up with a G/W deck that could be competitive… But did blue REALLY need a reset button to bollix the metagame? A rant and an analysis of how decks will fail you.

You Make The Card Mechanics Evaluated

The voting is on in the third stage of the Create A Card contest – and Bennie evaluates the current mechanics to see whether they’re Type 2-worthy!

Joshua X Presents: Braids And Beatings

It’s been a long time. Stuff has went down. I left my cozy little house, and entered the cold world to run a little Magic store in Leitchfield.

A Healthy Compromise

How does Wizards’ change in policy towards the Magic storyline affect the King of the Storylines? Why not look and see?