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Force of Will: The Evolution Of Guitars

Holistic Wisdom allows you to recycle your instants and sorceries for as long as you like, completely breaks Fact or Fiction, and kills counters. But breaking it was tougher than I thought.

A Sligh Look at Torment

So the last time, Bennie defended Odyssey as being strong in Constructed… And boy, was he right. Now he takes a look at the low-cost cards to see what might make it next.

Not So Deep Thoughts: One Guy’s Look at Red Torment in Limited

First of all, these reactions are generally going to be aimed at Sealed play, since most of us are going to be playing Sealed at the Prerelease. I’ll occasionally muse about drafting – but on the whole, this is for Sealed. I reserve the right to blather more over the commons and uncommons, since you’re…

The Second Annual StarCity Awards Show!

It’s the awards ceremony that Daniel Crane has been waiting for! Yes, The Ferrett himself comes out of hiding to pick the best and worst moments in 2001 for your benefit… With no strategy whatsoever!

Suffering Suck-O-‘Tache (Part One)

Ah, but it’s that time of year again – is it really a year since my esteemed pal and patisserie-obsessed compadre Gabriel Minty-Fresh Gung-Ho Margerine-Soaked Sneeep provided his own vision of all things Planeshift?

Double or Nothing: Tweaking

Tweaking isn’t as rewarding as doing really well with a fully rogue deck… But it can personalise decks, and give your opponents fits. Jim shows you the basics of this fundamental Magic concept.