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The Daily Shot: You CAN Play My Fires At Canadian Nationals, Part Fifteen

How would you build this deck? I went the”all killer, no filler” route, and paid the price in the mana department. Would you do the same?

The Daily Blister: Theenkin’ Aboot Psychertog

What do the Tog decks gain from Judgment – and by Gaw, does a post-Judgment Tog deck truly hurt blisterguy’s pet mono-black deck? Let’s take a looksee.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #134: Making Myths

Nomad Mythmaker is officially BROKEN!… by Anthony’s readers, of course. So anyone wanna see the deck that one that did NOT include Femeref Enchantress or Crown of the Ages?

What If Mike Turian Could Critique Your Play?

How much would your play improve if you could have Mike Turian sitting over your shoulder during a draft game, explaining what he would have done, which cards he considers suboptimal, and what the right play should have been? Well, one lucky winner will get to have that chance….

The Daily Shot: Bethmo Had Better Deal, Dammit

I guess what I’m trying to say is, well, if calling my opponent an”assmaster” in response to his Morphling is wrong in the presence of the fairer sex – then by God, I don’t wanna be right.

The Semidaily Blister: An Intellectual Exercise

If correctly built, a black control deck will smash a Zevatog deck and unfairly molest a KaiAtog deck; Trenches stands little chance, and it will beat on a blue/green deck such as Deep Dog and the likes as if it were demanding lunch money. Say, isn’t that the metagame?

Wacky Wednesdays #26: He’s No Angel, But He Can Still Win With Serra…Or Maybe Not

Crazy decking stories include crazy decks – and a crazy $5 in StarCity credit for sharing your kookiest multiplayer story!

Magic Art Matters – Judgment First Impressions

LaRue’s back with another art attack – and this time, he’s asking what the two best pieces in Judgment are! One may be Constructed-worthy… The other probably isn’t. Read on!

OBC Sealed: What Went Wrong?

When did the bombs start mattering in Sealed more than anything else?

Wishes: They Aren’t Just for Sideboard Cards

Kibler got it right when he mentioned that there are only three”playable” Wishes – Living, Cunning, and Burning. What are the approaches to using them in OBC?

From Shoddy To Janky: A Tale, Constructed

“I’ve played a similar number of matches in each format. I’m showing improvement in one, but not in the other. Why?”
“Don’t look at me, dude.”
“I didn’t know either. So I started thinking about the games, looking for differences between my Limited and Constructed matches…”

Just Another Type 2 Report

I started to hate ‘Tog and started to search for a more enjoyable deck – and I found Mike Long’s version of Deep Dog with white. I immediately built it and it was fun indeed.

The Daily Shot: The World’s Shortest Grinders Report

Here’s the story of Grinder 2,

Of mana-flood and color screw,

Of black and green and red and blue,

So did I win? I think I’m due.

OBC: Little Green Men?

OBC is all about the green men and Buehler may yet be vindicated. Want to know how the OBC metagame is shaping up, what will be the most popular deck – and why? The truth is in here.

The Daily Shot: Don’t Call Me “Mister”

Let me tell you right now, friends (and I’m speaking, one somehow assumes, in the dynamic polytone voice of a backwoods Wonder Tonic huckster): This fellow Randy Buehler is a decent human being. But who is this so-called”Mister Buehler”?