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The Daily Shot: Canadian Nats Part I – 2-0

Well, I can’t put this off any longer: Eventually I knew I would have to buckle down and hammer out the match-by-match details of my Davis-esque performance on Day 1 of Canadian Nationals, and the time seems to have come.

Undermining The Concepts Of Magic

Your opponent believes that going from twenty to seventeen is no big deal. How can you take advantage of that?

You CAN Play Type I #47: A Memoriam To Beyond Dominia

June 25th: Beyond Dominia finally dies – not with a bang, but with a whimper.
July 8th: Oscar Tan goes bang.

The Semidaily Blister: How To Make Ancestral Recall Fair

I’d assume Ancestral Recall would be fair if it could only get certain cards, and if it was a sorcery, and cost one more, but you wouldn’t have to discard from having too many cards in your hand because you had neatly stashed those extra cards in the yard o’ graves. Oh yes, I would. At least until the drugs wore off.

Mixed kNuts: kNick kNames

The”You Make The Nickname” contest is down to four entries: TK, Badger kNuts, Pimpmasta T, and Low Rider. Now VOTE, dammit! Oh, and Teddie Kneutered goes off on Geordie Tait, the Bush administration, his Godawful LD deck, and NeverWinter Nights.

Oh My Gawd! A Woman On Women In Magic!

“To treat a woman like Laura Mills, or any of the other women who play top-flight Magic, as some kind of circus sideshow – or, even worse, a selling point (‘NEW! Magic: the Gathering! Now With 66% More Women!’) would be to insult and cheapen them, and yet Wizards has no problem doing just that.”
Not surprisingly, I have something to say about that.

Happy Birthday, America! A Celebration Of Issues

America was based on the tenets of free speech – and so was StarCity. From the beginning, StarCity’s tried to be the voice of the community, picking up where the Dojo left off, allowing people of all sorts to have their say. Almost every Magic issue that can be debated has been on StarCity at some point, and the only thing I have to say is:

Boy, you sure are a bunch of whiny bastards.

The Daily Shot: Countdown

You show up a day early with nothing but a few bucks and a dream and you walk up to the registration table and hand them your multi-colored money in exchange for the chance to play your heart out in a series of extremely expensive single-elimination tournaments. And then you win.

How I Turned My Weenie Green

It occurred to me that a white weenie deck, with a splash of green for beef and tricks, might be what the doc ordered – something fast enough to punish slower developing decks, with enough flexibility to handle a wide variety of decks. And I came in second with it at my first OBC tourney.

The Little Deck That Couldn’t

It’s a very good deck that smashes mono-black, blows through white weenie, and punishes any number of other classic OBC decks… But there’s one matchup it just can’t beat. Why doesn’t it work? All that, and an invite to get together at Origins!

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy # 38: Breaking Balthor*

Out of five boxes of Judgment, he got only one Sylvan Safekeeper and two Cunning Wishes… But he got eight Balthor, the Defiled. Since he now has enough for both himself and his wife to play Balthor decks, I guess Peter will have to break Balthor wide open.

Neo-Fires: An Account of My Excursions into Type Two

Can Fires work in today’s post-Judgment Type 2 environment? Abe looks to the past and tries to come up with a competitive Type 2 deck that doesn’t use Anger.

The Daily Shot: My Horrible, Horrible Manabase Takes It All The Way

Geordie took yesterday off thanks to it being Canada Day or something. But in the meantime, he got over THIRTY THOUSAND people to read his Magic Online article, and now he’ll tell you how he ground in to Canadian Nats. Oh yeah, and I’m giving him a Rizzo box. What the hell else does he want?

You CAN Play Type I #46: The Initial Judgment, Part III

The usual slew of analyzing cards for the most ancient format – and some intriguing ideas that may change the slant of some classic T1 decks!

The Diversity Of Magic: Player Types

Ever wonder why every change by anybody in the Magic community produces a torrent of bitching? Jay, returning to his old digs for a while from his stint at Magicthegathering.com, tries to break down the four styles of players in a way that’s not just”Casual/Pro” or”Spike/Johnny/Timmy.”