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Deck Clinic #3: Reyanimator

Doc, tell me straight out: Can this Reanimator deck be competitive in the current format? And what can we learn about how Reanimator decks work in general?

The Daily Shot: What You NEED To Know About Magic Online

I played Asheron’s Call – I mean I played. Like”twelve hours per day, hook up a coffee IV and let it drip” played. And I know exactly how people rip you off in online games, and you need to know how they’ll screw you on MOL if you’re not careful.

What Would Kai Do?

Team CMU’s latest member asks a very important question: Do the pros topdeck more…. Or do they know how to put themselves into a position where the next card IS a topdeck? If you want to know how to alter your strategies to win, read this article.

Post-November Extended: Two Decks

Everyone’s trying to fix TurboLand, and I find Zvi’s deck a little too dependent on one victory condition – so of course I tweak it. But then again, I can come up with a Miracle-Gro decklist that Just. Might. Work.

The Daily Shot: Bogged Down In The Trenches

Playing the Counter-Trenches mirror is about as much fun as digging a ditch using only your face. It’s an exercise in attrition, with the winner determined by who gets more resources to work with. It’s not all luck, though.

Adapting Netdecks For Multiplayer

Lots of netdecks – in fact, most of them – completely collapse when you bring them out of their duel environment. Let’s find out what sorts of netdecks make the transitions well – and what lessons they teach us about multiplayer deckbuilding.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #133: Baby Decks

In answering reader mail, Anthony sets out the steps for making sure your first few decks are competitive. Just goes to show you that if you suggest an article, we’ll find a way to write it!