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Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #55: Ten Simple Steps For Tuning A Casual Deck

PT level decks are NASCAR-caliber stockcars, custom-built from the ground up and tuned to a perfect pitch. Casual decks are more akin to normal, civilian transportation – but even a ’73 Nova can benefit from a tune-up and a pair of fuzzy dice. In that spirit, here are ten things that will help every deck you build.

Onslaught Limited Synergy Review: Burn, Baby, Burn

Erratic Explosion

Ah, the Explosion. One of my favorite cards in the set, the Explosion is a burn spell which actually deserves to be talked about as a combo card. I mean shock, it… Shocks a creature. Woo hoo! But the explosion, it’s interesting.

The Geezer’s View: More Fun With Old Cards

My friend’s girlfriend had a little three-year-old son with a small Nerf basketball set in the living room. I wanted to play around with him and teach him how to dunk, but he wouldn’t let me touch the ball – all he would say is,”MY ball!” Undeterred, I set out to create a multiplayer deck that would grab everything. All the time. “MY creatures!” Also, a variant Oath deck for Extended.

Extended Ponza? A Grand Prix Trial Report

I looked through my binder of deck stock. I saw the four Tangle Wires. A Frozen Fish or Blue Skies variant, maybe? I kept flipping, and there were a full set of Veteran Brawlers from a recent purchase. Brawlers and Tangle Wires? Hmmm. Now that I had my deck idea, it was time to work on it – and it wasn’t Rob Dougherty’s deck.

The Elvish Warrior Dilemma

Onslaught Limited is not a piece of cake format, and there are a lot of things you need to have done if you want to have any hopes of doing well at Pro Tour: Chicago. And there is one card in particular that has sparked many an argument as of late among the pros regarding its worth – and, in fact, the entire approach that you should take to Onslaught drafting. That card is Elvish Warrior, and it’s been the constant subject of many debates and arguments in recent chats and drafts both in real life, and online.

Wiener Dogs And Political Machines: Taking OBC To Extended

So I started playing around with trying to move popular OBC decks to Extended. Wonder Dog (U/G Madness) and Mono-Black Control easily made the jump from Odyssey Block Constructed to Standard. Could the archetypes go further and dominate Extended? (That’s a loaded question. I wouldn’t be writing this article if the answer was”no.”) Enheartened by results at Reims, I decided to playtest and see what I got.

From Right Field: How To Make It With An Angel

Okay, why am I asking about angels? I mean, Serra was reprinted in 7th and has hardly made an appearance on the tournament scene in more than a year and a half. Don’t blame the busty one for that, though: Flametongue Kavu was all too ready, willing, and able to blow her from the sky. She had to stay in hiding until he was gone. It’s now safe for her to come back out and play.

The Geezer’s View: This Is The Game That Never Ends…

Part Extended strategy, part multiplayer, all fun – where’s an editor to put this? Well, since he goes into some detail on his current Extended Miracle Gro build and the matchups, it might as well go here – but hey, you wanna also hear about a multiplayer deck that wins by endlessly recursing Shahrazad? Now THAT’S funny.

Playtesting Like A Pro: Can We Design A New Archetype The Way That Your Move Games Does?

Right now, YMG is focussed on Standard for the Masters and Draft for the Pro Tour – but I had an idea for an Extended deck, and considering my team is working on other formats, I thought I’d try out something new. I’d like to work with StarCityGames.com readers in the same way that I work with my team: I give you guys my concept and decklist, you all test it and show me where it’s weak. Are you up to the challenge?

Sleepwalking With The Red Cards

The words that hit my brain tell me that whoever’s on the other end of the phone needs me to tell them something, so that things can be made”ready” for whatever it is I’m doing today. I’d really like to give them some creative profanity instead, but it’s early and I’ve practically forgotten how to talk. I hear my gravel-and-salt voice scrape together five words:”Bring me The Red Cards.”

Walk With Me: The Blowout That Might Not Have Been

Watch as Nick goes through a draft, showing you the cards and his draft picks. Once again, Nick opened some ridiculous bombs – but the choices between bombs presented him with some truly astounding strategical decisions. All that, and Nick asks for your feedback!

From Right Field: How To Build A Wall Around Your Heart

If you read this column frequently – and everyone involved hopes that you do – you know that I like to build and play my own decks. Sometimes the deck is a serious venture that I truly believe can win a tournament here and there… Other decks are purely fun, like the one this piece is about. It’s annoying to play against. If you accidentally win with it, expect your opponent to be very mad. Oh, and I have pictures of hot babes.

Building Your First Five, Volume Six: Thoughts and Musings

When I first sat down to write this series, I had no idea that over 55 pages later, I would finish the first five articles. That’s a novella. I cannot begin to name all of the things I cut or left out, either…. But I’m gonna try here, discussing the Banned and Restricted list, why people are afraid of Ante, the importance of Jeweled Bird – and the Top Ten Creatures In 5!