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Testing the Weird Decks

So I was all set to exhaustively test one of the Weird decks on Tuesday. BDM and I were going to meet at Neutral Ground and have at it, but as usual, that didn’t work out. For one thing, whenever we meet at Neutral Ground, no matter the reason, people just end up drafting. To make matters worse, out of nowhere, Jonathan Magic, Brian Kibler, and EFro showed up to test for the GP this weekend. It was awesome, as I haven’t seen Jon in forever and was shocked to see him testing at all again. But that doesn’t mean that I didn’t get some Weird deck testing in myself!

I Wonder How Many Potatoes Twenty Thousand Dollars Could Buy?

When I get ready for a Limited format, I try and make it a point to know every trick that my opponent could possibly have. When your opponent attacks, you have to be able to figure out what cards they can have in their hand to beat your strategy. If you can play around their trick successfully then do so. If you can’t beat their trick, assume they don’t actually have the trick that beats you. You don’t gain anything by playing around a trick you can’t beat.

Ask Ken, 04/15/2004

All questions today are answered by Guest Writer Osyp Lebedowicz.

Lifestyles of the Exceedingly Clever

This week we’ll be exploring the valuation of Darksteel cards in Limited before the topic becomes an anachronism. I’ll also be spewing forth the usual randomness you’ve all come to know and love and deliver some predictions for Grand Prix: DC.

Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Circle?

Today, the story of why I am not afraid of Circle of Protection: Red, Silver Knight, Worship, Pulse of the Fields, or any other stupid White cards.

Regionals: The Keys to the Kingdom

I’ve got a secret to share with you. It will get you qualified for Nationals at this year’s Regionals; it’ll get you in position to take the slot or the cash at your next PTQ. Yes, competitive Magic success can be yours for the taking, if you just listen to this one insight, this nugget of wisdom I’m willing to impart to you. Yes, it’s the Real Deal, the Magic Carpet ready to scoop you up and deposit you on the Gravy Train. If you want to Win And Win Big! then you better keep reading.

March Type One Potpourri

What’s the second-most played Scourge card in Type I? What’s the average casting cost breakdown for all Type I Top 8 decks in 2004? What does a 36-24-36 woman really look like? The answers to all this and more are just a click away!

Two Skullclamps and a Molder Slug – Team Limited Advice

Generally, in this format I think you want one Affinity deck, one deck with a lot of removal, and one deck with a lot of good creatures and Equipment. I like U/R affinity, G/W and B/r. I think that is ideal, although your cardpool will always dictate what you will play in the end.

Ask Ken, 04/14/2004

How on earth does one get rid of a Darksteel Colossus?

From Right Field: Come Tumbling Down

Three Words: Competitive Wall Deck. Well, at least it was until Chris got his hands to it. Peep the carnage inside…

You CAN Play Type I #129 Part I: Head to Head with Landstill

“The Deck” is possibly compared to Baldur’s Gate 2. It’s the legendary control deck against which newcomers are judged, but it’s undeniably showing its age. Control decks have streamlined a lot since the days they could just lean on Mana Draining into Braingeyser, but today’s most modern ones have cheaper, more specialized engines. Today’s Head to Head will look at one of the more popular and original control creations to come along: Landstill.

You CAN Play Type I #129 Part II: Head to Head with Landstill

More from the wild and wacky world of Keeper vs. Landstill!

I’m Going Home: Playing Cowardice to Win (Every So Often)

The deck I’m going to talk about plays Lightning Rift. This deck also plays Fireball, Starstorm, and Slice and Dice. It also plays crazy cards like Choking Tethers and… Cowardice. And in the right metagame, it just might be good!

Ask Ken, 04/13/2004

I have a question. Last pack in a MMD draft I’m playing Black and Green. I open my Darksteel pack to find an Essence Drain, Echoing Courage, and Pristine Angel. Should I take the Pristine Angel in the goal to”hate draft” or take something else?

The Lack of Rogue Decks Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

After careful analysis into what makes the top decks tick, I crafted a decklist that seemed to be strong against the format, generating decent-to-good matchups with all of the other top decks. Balancing the deck was by far the most difficult issue of the bunch, seeing as how having game against both Goblins and Affinity is difficult enough, but throw in Slide and other White-based control decks, and you really have an awful lot to prepare for when deckbuilding.