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The Flanker’s Guide to Online Emperor

An emperor can have the best deck, with all the appropriate cards, but he will be hard-pressed to win if his flankers have divergent strategies to the ones required to improve team play. In short, a flanker’s role is to give the Emperor more resources (called”love” in game parlance) so he can, in turn, grant his flankers more lands and so on.

Blog Elemental – The Guidelines

As I started thinking about the spirit of this endeavor of mine, I started to realize there were some rules I could follow to force me to go slow and generally enjoy the experience of evolving a preconstructed deck. Then I realized these weren’t”rules” so much as”guidelines.” Rules would suggest I don’t intend to break them, but I think each of these guidelines, especially two through four, I may seriously challenge during this process.

The Mirrodin Block Limited Review – Darksteel Black and Red

Here we go with what is probably the deepest color in terms of card quality in this set, plus the beginning of the end for the former powerhouse known as Red.

Blog Elemental – You Asked For It

The beta is over, and now JMS is back in action with version 1.0 of his daily discussion with the Magic world. Here is what you can expect to see in the near future.

Ask Ken, 07/07/2004

Alright Ken, let’s hear it… What’s your favorite color in Magic?


I’m a happy man. Why is that, you ask? Probably too many reasons to count…but here are a few.

Ask Ken, 07/06/2004

Do you think the masses are making good choices when they are choosing 9th Edition?

Examining Mono-Black Control in Mirrodin Block Constructed

Now that we have acclimated to the cards in Fifth Dawn, is there a new deck here? Besides the obvious Krark-Clan Ironworks decks, of course. What about, say, Mono-Black Control?

From Right Field: Letters. Oh, We Get Letters.

Once or twice a year, I try to answer some of my fan mail and/or death threats in a column. This serves two purposes. First, I get to share some of the answers to the more common questions that get sent my way. Second, I get another quick, cheap column. Then, everyone’s happy. Or at least, I’m happy. Really, in the end, that’s all the counts.

Ask Ken, 07/05/2004

I’ve put in a lot of time drafting this past year, and have become better at it than I’ve ever been. How likely am I to stay a good drafter when we change blocks?

A Tale of Babies, Demons and Mifflins: An Origins Report

Origins two kay four. I had skipped out on Origins last year for a few reasons, the main being that the year before it sucked mad hardcore. I opted for GenCon instead and that worked out much better. This year I decided to give the big O a shot and I was not disappointed.

April-May Type 1 Potpourri

It’s been a while since I’ve done one of these, so I’ve been building up a collection of nifty data for you, including an analysis of the probable usefulness of Misdirection in Type I.

Mayhem at Midnight: Grinding at U.S. Nationals

After sleeping for the first half of the flight from Washington, DC to Kansas City, I finally wake up and pull out my notebook. Since the first grinder begins in about six hours, I should probably come up with my decklist. The maindeck looks pretty good, at least on paper. I haven’t actually tested it yet. But finalizing the sideboard is the hardest part. After much scribbling and scratching out, it finally looks good.

Ask Ken, 07/02/2004

Alright Ken, who is your favorite Duelist?

The Mirrodin Block Limited Review – Darksteel White and Blue

Now we take our first step into the realm of Darksteel. Let’s delve right into White, shall we?