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Blog Elemental – Initial Changes

As have mentioned, the Nuts and Bolts deck is getting pulled in at least two directions. On one hand, it wants to be a weenie beatdown deck with small creatures packing equipment and Qumulox as cleanup. On the other hand, it wants to be a tricky control deck with one-mana”cog” cards like Aether Spellbomb to go along with Salvaging Station, Auriok Salvagers, Trinket Mage, and Leonin Squire. Look at the two rares, Auriok Windwalker and Salvaging Station, and you’ll see another signal of its two competing directions.

Ask Ken, 07/14/2004

Do you have a preferred method for shuffling? Is there a commonly accepted method that the pros use?

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #104: Netdecking and U.S. Nationals

I started writing this at Nationals, where I came one match short of grinding in – but I lost that match, and the whole format (Type 2 w/ Skullclamp) is dead anyway, so I’ll skip the tourney report. Instead, I’ll talk about netdecking and the performance of netdecks. I’ll throw in some Magic the Puzzling stuff, and finish with an overview of the MD5 metagame so far.

From Right Field: The King is Dead! Long Live the King!

I think this time Chris may have finally gone off the deep end, but as usual with this sort of thing, it’s kind of fun to watch. Tune in as Chris rants about the Block metagame as well as some artifacts with names related to your head.

Blog Elemental – Preparing to Lose

One of the things I’ve been thinking about in preparation of this experiment is how truly bad preconstructed decks are compared to other Constructed decks. Don’t get me wrong – I actually enjoy the precons a lot. I get a full set of them at every release, playing them with my wife once a month or so. That’s sort of the point, though. I play them against other preconstructed decks; I would never play a preconstructed deck at, say, Friday Night Magic. Why? Why does Wizards make the decks so anemic

Blog Elemental – The First Six Games

How did Jay fare in his first six matches playing the Nuts and Bolts precon deck? Tune in and find out!

Ask Ken, 07/13/2004

Today on a very special Ask Ken, I give you the Top 15 things I learned at Pro Tour: Seattle.

What Crystal Witness Does to MD5 Constructed

Like the ConTroll decks of Urza Block, this looks like a really, really good draft deck. I can almost hear someone walking by Cirigliano during a match and shouting,”You got three Crystal Shards? What scrub was passing to you!” When you’re talking Constructed, however, this deck seems to violate the Zvi maxim against bringing a knife to a gunfight. So why is this deck winning?

Ask Ken, 07/12/2004

How important do you think mana curve is in your draft deck?

Top of the Mountain: Your MD5 Cheat Sheet

No, I am not going to give you sample lists for all of the basic decks you can expect in the upcoming MD5. You can find those in anybody else’s article anywhere else. I wouldn’t be making the decks myself anyway (and if I were, I don’t know what use they would be to you for testing purposes). Instead, I am going to fast track you to the pinnacle of MD5 Inevitability.

Tempo IS Interesting

Mike Flores speaking about tempo wrote “[m]uch as you would like, you can’t quite put your finger on it… but you sure know it when you see it.” Mike is more perceptive than he probably realizes. The difficulty in identifying tempo is that it has an effect that is different from what it is.

Blog Elemental – And The Winner Is…

As promised, I rolled a d4 to pick a Fifth Dawn preconstructed deck (if this isn’t compelling enough of an image, let’s say I pulled four snails from my garden and had a race across the driveway… my son, he loves snails). The winner of this little experiment is…

Ask Ken, 07/09/2004

Please settle a debate. I was playing in the semi finals of a Type Two tournament in game three against Elf and Nail. I am playing Affinity with Thirst for Knowledge and Thoughtcast. Should I have kept the following?

The Boxer Mentality

In this article, I’m going to explore some of the psychology of winning and losing, and explain why being a boxer isn’t necessarily what you want to be in order to be successful at Magic. I’ll also look at how some Pro Tour notables like Brian Kibler and Mike Long deal with losing, include some details of my recent trips to U.S. Nationals and Origins, and relay a hilarious anecdote that is sure to embarrass Brian David Marshall, Randy Buehler, Alan Comer, or Scott Johns.

Ask Ken, 07/08/2004

The Great Potato is this week’s guest host. Please join Mike as he takes on this saucy subject: What do you think about Magic-Blogs?