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PTSD 17th: The Way You Like It Part 2 – Menace to Society

Reading this article is hazardous to your health, your mom’s health, and will outright kill your dog. It is not recommended for children under eighteen, pregnant women, people with heart problems, or those taking Viagra. In fact, we wouldn’t recommend reading it at all, except for the fact that it’s a Tim Aten article. Proceed with caution.

Fifth Dawn: What to Trade For

Take this advice with a grain of salt. I might be 90% right, or I might be 20% right, the point is, first impressions are what gives cards their initial value, so if you trade for a lemon, you will still have a little time to jump ship and sell it. Remember, even Shared Fate was going for $5 for a good month and a half after Mirrodin was released.

Culling the Weak

Back in 2003, Aaron Forsythe wrote an article explaining how R&D looks at the Banned and Restricted list. One of the pearls of wisdom in the article was when Forsythe said,”in general, if a restricted card isn’t showing up in decks, its status probably deserves some scrutiny by the DCI.” I happen to be an expert on what cards are played and not played in Type One, so I figured I should get around to looking at the list right before the June 1st announcement.

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy #100B: More Self-indulgence

For Article #100, I decided to write about my 100 favorite Magic cards. It’s self-indulgent — so sue me. I include some multiplayer goodies, some fond reminiscences and — in a couple cases — some near trash for which I have an unreasonable attachment. In those cases, I’ll tell you why they are worth getting

Ask Ken, 05/19/2004

What is the correct way to pronounce Pikula? This is relevant when playing decks full of Invitationalists, so that one can call each by name.

Building with Wicker #3: Elements of Wicker Man Decks

A recent example of how Wicker Man deck theory has seeped into tournament play is the presence of Disciple of the Vault in Clerics decks running very few artifacts. Here, Disciple of the Vault is made to negate one of Ravager Affinity’s win conditions. In the Clerics v. Ravager Affinity matchup, the Affinity player has to go to all the trouble of setting up a pseudo-combo kill only to discover that the Clerics player has been preparing for her own win condition and can take advantage of Affinity’s exertions. Over all, however, Clerics is not a Wicker Man deck, if only because Disciple of the Vault is a secondary (and exceedingly narrow) win condition.