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Weak Among the Strong: Reciprocal Card Advantage

There is one form of card advantage that no one talks about and which I suspect very few understand: Reciprocal card advantage. What is Reciprocal card advantage? That’s what I’m here to explain.

SCG Daily – Doctor’s Note

I am writing to you to inform you that one of your employees, Mr. Daniel Paskins, has recently been placed in my care, and therefore will not be able to write his regular articles for your website in the near future.

Do Zombie Chickens Taste Like Brains?

I have to admit I haven’t exactly treated graves with the respect they deserve. I remember being three or four years old and trying to dig into a relative’s grave with a tiny plastic shovel because I wanted to sit in her lap one last time. I am pleased to announce, however, that these days my abuses are confined to graveyards in the game of Magic. I am more pleased to announce that I have developed yet another deck that abuses the graveyard in an incredibly efficient manner: Tombstoned!

Interaction 101

Apparently some Internet writers don’t know the difference between interactive and non-interactive cards. Looks like it’s time for Professor Mike to teach another lesson.

SCG Daily – I Make the Card

I won’t ever get to go to the Invitational, so I can only try to fulfil this objective by proxy. But most players at one time or another have thought about designing their own cards (including some people who have designed whole expansions), so humor me while I explain which Red card I would make, if I had the opportunity.

Learning From The Flaws Of Aggro Decks In Vintage – What They Did Right

My last article talked about the basic flaws in aggro decks and why they were historically annihilated. Now I’ll to try to help you out a bit when constructing an aggro control / combo deck for Vintage. We’ll start by breaking down some of the more successful aggro decks of the past and see what can be applied to today’s models.

Sealed Revealed from the Pros – Vol. 2

Tim Aten again tackles Craig Stevenson’s recent Sealed Revealed card pools in order to show how a Limited expert would build these decks. This is required reading for anyone attending one of the PTQs this weekend, particularly if you want to see how to try and make the most of a truly abysmal card pool.

Even More Bad Rare Decks

Once again, Abe returns to the Bad Rare Box, stocked with every crap rare in existence. Whatever card he pulls, he must build a deck around. This time, he will find a unique use for Elder Druid (and it’s not what you expect), a Thran Weaponry targeted at the wrong person, a fiendish use of a Volcanic Eruption… and three more bad rares!

Foundations of Kamigawa Block (Part 1 of 2)

Today Zvi begins his examination of Kamigawa Block Constructed, stripping each color down to its building blocks to seek out the real power and synergy in the format. Why should you listen to Zvi when he talks about Block? Because the Block Constructed Pro Tour Winner’s Trophy on his mantle says so!

Walk Like a Ninja – A CCB Draft Walkthrough

With his set review now complete, Nick steps directly into a draft walkthrough that contains a few interesting twists and turns along the way. Where did Nick go wrong and what would you have done differently? Enquiring minds want to know!

From Right Field: De-scept-ively Tough

Inspired by Adam Grydehrmha’s recent article, Chris decided to give U/R Isochron Scepter a run at a recent Standard tourney and details his results here for all to see. He also includes one of the largest cheesecake sections ever seen on StarCityGames.com.

SCG Daily – Going A-viking

In which one Daniel Paskins, Master of all things Red, details his seedy history raping and pillaging Kent with cards like Gerrard’s Wisdom and Wall of Blossoms. The horror, the horror!

Finally! Pro Tour: Atlanta *Winner*

After three second-place finishes in four PT Top 8’s, Gabriel Nassif again found himself in the finals at Pro Tour: Atlanta, this time with teammates David Rood and Gab Tsang. What follows is the story of Nova’s victorious weekend, including special guest appearances by Dave Williams and Josh Arieh of World Poker fame and a very angry Kumano, Master Yamabushi.

Good or Bad: Conditional Spells In Type One

Casting costs are relatively important in Type One, for more purposes than just evaluating how much mana you need to put in your deck (especially since cheating on casting costs is the primary goal of many if not most Type One strategies). Its actual import reveals itself through the usefulness of other cards: Powder Keg, Smother, Engineered Explosives, Pernicious Deed, as well as the classically sidelined counterspells, Prohibit and Spell Blast. Other cards ranging from Overload and Plaguebearer to Gorilla Shaman and Chalice of the Void also care very much about this aspect of a card. Today I’m going to break down a whole slew of numbers that will make you a better Vintage player for knowing them.

When Flooded Shoreline Ruled Britannia

Flooded Shoreline has appeared before in SCG Daily. About a fortnight ago, Abe Sargent made it the focus of his, um, Bad Rare Challenge. But while Flooded Shoreline might now be no more than an old, bad rare, there was a time when it was part of the world’s best deck.