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SCG Daily: Public Enemy Number Four

Here’s a fact for the history buffs – the phrase “You lucky son of a b*tch!” only dates back to late June, 1998. That’s it – it was never heard before that date. The phrase was coined in that month, apparently in many places simultaneously. In all cases, though, the phrase was first uttered by a Magic player. A losing Magic player.

Surveying Legacy

With the announcement of Legacy Grand Prix, I began in earnest to look at Legacy once more. I watched part of a Legacy tournament at Origins and I searched through the major Legacy forums and Legacy websites. I fully intend on playing in the Legacy Grand Prix, and what’s more, I intend on breaking the format.

Playing the Obvious – A Paskins Regionals Saga

I still remember the first Regionals that I qualified at. It was a rather different format from the current system, because rather than playing in a tournament, all you had to do was phone up and book a place at Nationals. The following year, I went 7-2 with my White deck which splashed for 4 Ray of Command, and every year after that, I managed to have enough ranking points not to have to bother. Up until last year, where I made a Red deck and qualified.
This year proved to be a bit more difficult…

OMGIQD, Part 1

Drama! Passion! Thrills! Chills! Controversy! Irony! Sex! All This And More in Dave’s 2005 Regionals Report!

From Right Field: The Pilgrimage

Chris revisits his love of Shrines, this time with a strictly Block Constructed flavor. What Ideal cards does this deck gain from Saviors of Kamigawa, and what does Chris’s build look like? The Fourth of July answer is inside.

The Origins of Zvi Volume 2: The First Pro Tour

I don’t remember how I found it. Chances are someone at school told me about the place. My guess is it was Steven O’Mahoney-Shwartz. The first time I heard about him, he was in the lunch room buying Moxen for fifty each and then reselling them for ninety. Smart kid. Regardless of where the information came from, let’s just say that nothing in my life would have been the same if I hadn’t discovered Neutral Ground.

Advanced Metagaming

Part theory article, part Regionals report, and part strategy article containing an updated version of Staff-Go, this article has something for everyone.

Rule of Law 9 – Reading the “Friendly” Card or “As”, the Word, Turns

Today, I would like to offer advice on how to read a card. I will focus more on rules text, and on certain words that have specialized meanings in Magic, as that is where confusion is rampant. Most of this is obvious, but everyone can benefit from a few reminders.

Lessons From Bob Maher

What did michaelj end up playing at Regionals? How did he do? Why, after all these years, is he still looking to The Great One for inspiration in his play? The answers to all these questions and more are just a click away.

Life In An Aquarium: Learn To Be A Predator

Vintage is full of Fish lately. Where does that leave us? We live in an environment without predators, instead allowing those lower on the food (power) chain to go unchecked. Why is this? The Fish have been the ones putting all the work into innovating and really getting down to the nitty-gritty. An important deck building skill is to examine the popular decks and figure out what exactly their weaknesses lie.

Gleaming the Cube

The best Magic format of all time happens to the the Cube draft. If you have never heard of this type of format before, don’t worry, I’m here to explain it and provide a complete listing of what you can do with a Cube and what is in my personal Cube that I play with pro Magic players around the world.

It’s Back – Five-Color Green in CBS Draft

It seems like at least once a block, Five-Color Green turns into not only a decent strategy, but a dominant one. Today Nick provides the details on how to draft the latest rendition of what can be a very powerful archetype.

SCG Daily – Mommy’s Little Monster: The Taste of Ink

Delicious stories from the Magic Invitational. E-mail Osyp and bug him about his own Invitational Report while devour Tim’s goodies.

May-June Type One Metagame Breakdown

You know the drill people. Pip steps up and compiles the numbers, and then teaches you things about the Vintage metagame you can only learn from his analysis, and you can only find his analysis here at StarCityGames.com.

SCG Daily – Mommy’s Little Monster: Hulluhback Bearl

Dear Tim Hoyt Aten,
You’re officially insane.