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SCG Daily – From Right Field – Ars Gratia Artis

From Right Field regular Chris Romeo, on the finest artistic renderings in all of Magicdom. Warning: contains hotties

Chanting Through California – Pro Tour Los Angeles *28th*

Ruud finds wealth and fame in Los Angeles, visits the Price is Right, and shares his thoughts on the best decks in Extended.

SCG Daily – The Folklore of Magic #5

Adam finishes up a fantastic week of SCG Daily, discussing the folklore behind some of your favorite Magic creatures with a discussion of the Wild Hunt, as well as Brownies. Mmmm, brownies.

Playing With Follow-through

Flores identifies a pernicious type of error most likely to affect strong players, draws up some illustrative anecdotes from his Champs and Pro Tour LA matches, and sprinkles the whole thing with a generous heap of cryptic initials.

Sullivan Library: Exploring Eminent Domain – Wisconsin Champs *1st*

Adrian Sullivan returns, with a fantastic new deck for Standard that brought him home the trophy in Wisconsin, as well as scoring Top 4 berths for the other two players piloting it. Get the inside scoop on how to build and play the deck, as well as a bit of legal theory on the side.

Evolving No Stick

No Stick is one of the best control decks available to anyone trying to qualify this PTQ season. This deck list has a number of changes from Arita’s PT: LA list, but it’s tested very well. In addition, this version has already qualified my friend Max McCall (T8 GP Seattle), who used it to win a PTQ last weekend. In other words, this deck is simply amazing.

So you want the list? Sure. Here’s Silvestri Scepter. Copying Flores deck names for the win!

Silvestri Scepter Praxis – PTQ Report *1st*

Max McCall likes to Chant. Repeatedly. Last weekend he had an opportunity to Chant his way to Honolulu, and he made the best of it, with Josh Silvestri’s version of Scepter-Chant. What went right? Where did theory fail him? Read on for answers about one of the top decks in the new Extended.

SCG Daily – The Folklore of Magic #4

So far in this series, we’ve looked at some of Northern European folklore’s intelligent, social beings (elves and goblins) and some monsters (krakens and wurms/worms). Today, we’ll focus on a group of beings that fall somewhere in between: vampires.

Dong Zhou For The Memories: Building Winning Decks From Portal Cards

When the Portal sets became legal in Vintage, it was like three whole new expansions entered the field at once. Sure, everyone knows about the cards that got insta-restricted… But how about Dong Zhou? Or the unique and powerful effect of Riding the Dilu Horse? Abe breaks open some cards to see what kinds of decks you can build!

From Heartbeat to Heartache – My Pro Tour Los Angeles Report *4th*

Magic: the Gathering Extended Tech!Fresh off his 4th place finish at Pro Tour Los Angeles, Chris “Star Wars Kid” McDaniel returns to discuss the powerful Heatbeat Combo deck, recap his entire Pro Tour experience and offer his perspective on the controversial semifinals match against Billy Moreno!

SCG Daily – The Folklore of Magic #3

Adam has Wurms. Today he shares them with you.

StarCityGames.com’s Duel for Duals and the State of Legacy

The First Law of Mentat: A process cannot be understood by stopping it. Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it, and flow with it.

Kevin Binswanger offers a very thorough analysis of the Star City “Duel for Duals” tournament results and the overall state of the Legacy metagame. A must read for anyone preparing for the upcoming Legacy GPs.

Analyzing the New Extended

Gadiel dissects the many Extended archetypes seen at Pro Tour Los Angeles, then follows it up with his recommendation for the current PTQ season.

This is for the Rest of You – Another Grand Prix Nottingham Report

This will be the actual best report written about GP: Nottingham. Yes, I do dare to say that. The article you are reading now just has all the good stuff you were waiting for in part 1: an epic competitor’s story, the stories of not one, but two DQs at the GP, photos of your Magic heros in compromising situations…

Unpacking New Extended

Magic: the Gathering Extended Tech!Pro Tour Los Angeles showed just how great the new Extended format can be, with rogue decks and old favorites duking it out for the title of best deck and $200,000 in cash and prizes. However, there is a ton of information out there to sift through, so where do you even start? I’m here to throw you a lifeline in this sea of information and give you the insider scoop on what the coverage staff saw at this past weekend’s Pro Tour, including news on the controversial semifinals, good decks that flew under the radar, and what you should and should not play in the upcoming PTQ season.