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SCG Daily – The Folklore of Magic #9

Adam continues this intelligent series with a look at the religious implications on the myth and mysticism of Magic.

Gifts Dissected, Part II

Last time, Stephen showed you the composite Gifts maindeck. Today, he breaks down the mana base and unveils the composite Sideboard. Invaluable insight into a powerful Vintage archetype.

Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part III: Black

Pre-order Guildpact Today!

Mike continues his enlightening look at Guildpact. Today, he sifts through the Black cards, separating wheat from chaff, sifting diamonds from dirt. He highlights the cards that will make an impact on Constructed Magic in the coming months… but do you agree with his choices?

[Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part I: White]

[Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part II: Blue]

Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part II: Blue

Pre-order Guildpact Today!

Mike continues his in-depth Guildpact set review. Today, he focuses on the Blue cards. What are the stronger Blue cards in the set? Which will see Constructed play in the coming months? Mike reveals all…

[Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part I: White]

Gifts Dissected, Part I

Starting with March of 2005 and going through December, I am going to present the “best performing” Gifts Ungiven list in Vintage. I’ll analyze the list and show you how it was built. If you are a novice or relative newcomer to Vintage, you should understand the inner workings of Vintage Gifts by the end of this article without too much work on your part.

The Newer, Cooler 5-Color Format!

As recently as a few weeks ago, my raging anger against American Idol paled in comparison to my absolute, utter loathing of a certain other phrase that got thrown around entirely too often:
Casual Magic Deck. And yet I’ve recently found a way to tweak 5-Color so that it’s fun without being degenerately broken. No, it’s not a series of endless restrictions or complicated balancing rules; all of the cards in the deck (which is singleton, with the exception of one card) have to follow one simple rule.

The Magic Online Column. Allegedly.

For his first foray on SCG Free, the mighty blisterguy does his level best to avoid talking about Magic Online. Instead, he waxes lyrical on the pressures of fame, shares a cupful of tales from his trip to Worlds, and joins the debate regarding the WotC lawsuit.

SCG Daily – The Folklore of Magic #8

Adam continues his journey through the folklore of Magic. Today’s subjects? Those with Second Sight.

SCG Daily – The Folklore of Magic #7

So far, this series has focused on Magic’s races. Elves, Goblins, Krakens, Wurms, Vampires, Nightmares, Hounds, Banshees, and Merfolk are all directly connected with Northern European folklore. It’s slightly more difficult, but perhaps even more valuable, to give the folkloric treatment to some of Magic’s more abstract concepts, to the magic in Magic…

From Right Field: Jerome! What Time is It?

In his first article for SCG Free, Chris answers some outstanding emails from fans. He throws a number of Standard deck ideas into the ring, and waxes lyrical on a certain lawsuit you may have heard about. He also brings cheesecake.

Drafting Boros – The Forgotten Guild

It amazes me that there has been so little written on this archetype. While I can understand this being no-one’s favorite guild, I’d be legitimately shocked if anyone called it unplayable. Anyone with this philosophy simply doesn’t understand the role of beatdown in Limited. As it stands now, if you are drafting Boros properly, you should always wind up with the best deck at the table. Let me show you how…

Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part I: White Cards

Pre-order Guildpact Today!

Mike’s pedigree as a premier deck designer has never been in question. The Standard metagame shifts to his will time and time again. So, what does the maestro make of Guildpact? In the first of an expanding series, Mike examines the impact of the White cards on the Constructed playing-field.

The Weekly Guild Build: Guildpact!

I went 4-1 in my flight at the Prerelease, losing only to the guy who won it on the back of a really annoying Niv-Mizzet. Along the way to my half-a-box prize, I discovered quite a few things about these fantabulous new Guildpact cards – which cards didn’t work out as well as I’d hoped, which cards were golden, and which cards I saw breaking other people in half. And speaking of breaking people in half, let me tell you about one of the smashingest turns I ever saw….

How Chris Romeo Broke Legacy!

Part Legacy, part Standard, part Extended, part Limited. Part tournament report, part issues rant, part humor submission. Part travelog, part guide to parenting. All John F. Rizzo… putting the “yum!” back in “Premium.”

The Resolve or Dissolve Dilemma

Magic is nominally a one on one game. Magic (like poker) is quite literally mano a mano. However, there are actions you can take that will make it seem like an actual army has got your back. You’ll be able to read the future like an open book. Pull a Cassandra and tell people you’ve already won the tournament. They won’t believe you, of course. Through no small effort, you’ll get the skills and an arsenal that will serve you in any kind of setting.