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First Impressions of Guildpact

My last article generated a lot of forum talk, and none of it was about Magic. I won’t have any of that here. I won’t talk about anything but Magic today. No more insights into the excitement of my life and my indisputably correct and wise opinions on non-Magical things. No siree.

Today we will jump straight in and drown.

SCG Daily – Breaking Benjamin

Today I will break the art of deckbuilding wide open, just like Mike Flores, though I won’t be so egotistical… I’ll be worse. Let the ideas contained within be your guide to understanding…everything. Now that I have firmly ensconced myself in the upper echelon of advanced and highly-respected format-breaking Magic theorists, I thought it time to give something back to the little people.

Ravnica Sealed In Action

The inestimable Ted Knutson takes us on a Ravnica/Guildpact Sealed Deck journey, armed with bombs and matchup data galore. Along the way, he imparts the Three Golden Rules one must learn in order to succeed in Ravnica Block Limited…

Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part VI: Gold Cards

Pre-order Guildpact Today!
The moment we’ve all been waiting for, folks… Mike Flores tackles the Gold Cards of Guildpact. What are the strong cards? What are the weak? Are there any true Constructed contenders? With his usual wit and clarity, Mike spills a considerable amount of beans, and upsets a fair few applecarts.


The Weekly Guild Build: Why You Are Irrelevant

As the editor-in-chief of this site, it’s my job to get your feedback… And in general, I enjoy it. My goal is to make StarCityGames.com better in every single way, so even when you email me to tell me, “THE PREMIUM ARTICLES SUCK MONKEY BUTT THIS WEEK,” I look at it as a happy challenge. What didn’t you like about the Premium articles? How can I fix it? Which is why it pains me to tell you that when it comes to complaining about the latest awful thing that Wizards has done, you are irrelevant.

SCG Daily – Breaking and Entering

John F. Rizzo. Every day this week. For free.

I want you to be good at Magic, just like me. While I understand you can never be as fantastic at this game as I am, this week is all about helping you to achieve those dreams, if they involve being tremendously awesome at Magic, but still nowhere at ridiculously broken as me. Each day, a lesson will be imparted in which you will learn to break things. I am your Aesop, so prick up your ears, pay strict attention, and you shall be delivered.

Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part V: Green Cards

Pre-order Guildpact Today!
Today, Mike takes on Green, the “Big and Dumb Color of Sharing.” Ravnica was a set brimming with Green Constructed potential. Guildpact, while lacking a Green guild base, still promises much for the tree-hugging spellslingers among us. Does Guildpact Green deliver the goods?


Guildpact: First Impressions

With Guildpact finally upon us, a whole new world of Draft has been opened up. No longer are you constrained to play one of four or five possible archetypes in a Limited format, as was the case in triple Ravnica. If you can’t already tell, I’m excited.

Ben’s Corner: Fifteen Reasons To Attend Grand Prix: Richmond!

Fifteen reasons why you should attend next weekend’s Grand Prix: Richmond. ‘Nuff said.

SCG Daily – The Folklore of Magic #10

Adam rounds off the series in fine style, drawing parallels between Magic and Religion.

Magical Hack: Bird’s Eye View

For his first foray on SCG Free, Sean dives deep into a typical Ravnica/Guildpact Sealed Deck. Timed perfectly for the upcoming Pro Tour Qualifier season, and packed with general tips on Limited and guild-specific ideas, Sean’s thorough approach to deckbuilding demonstrates the wisdom of leaving no stone unturned.

Peace of Mind: Guildpact Mechanics, Part I

The post-Christmas lull has lifted, and it’s time to start building decks again. In the first of a three-part series, Mike examines the most violent of the Guildpact mechanics: Bloodthirst. With card evaluation, decklists, and more, this series promises to be a valuable tool in the evolving metagame.

Guildpact Constructed Review Part IV: Red Cards

Pre-order Guildpact Today!
Another day, another color. The Red sector of Guildpact comes under the gimlet gaze of Mr Flores. As usual, Mike has strong views about the playability of certain cards… but what Guildpact offerings will shape our Constructed metagames? Read on to find out…

[Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part I: White]

[Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part II: Blue]

[Guildpact Constructed Set Review Part III: Black]

Yawgmoth’s Whimsy # 137: Stuff

Hmm — time to choose a topic. Wizards of the Coast suing Rancored Elf? Review Guildpact for multiplayer? Poker? Neato prerelease tales? Random issues rants?

All of the above?


Following Suit: Are Wizards the Good Guys?

People love rumor season. Why is Wizards doing this to its loyal customers? Why is it attempting to destroy a tremendous source of hype and excitement about upcoming sets? Why is it punishing someone who’s worked tirelessly to promote its products?

Why can’t I convince myself that this lawsuit is a bad thing?