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Practicing What You Preach: Curio-sity in Standard

Evan takes a look at Cloudstone Curio for Standard, pairing it with a bevy of beautiful 187 creatures. He provides a decklist, plus a tournament report, and honestly evaluates the deck’s strengths and weaknesses. If you’re after something a little different for your next Standard tournament, then this is the article for you!

The Worst Week Ever: The MTGO Dissension Release

It was Dissension Release week on MTGO. I wanted to play a ton, and then try some Ravnica block ideas I had floating around.

Guess how my week really went?

SCG Daily – Grand Prix Toronto

My plan for this week of dailies was to use the new “Draftcap” software to show some drafts and give commentary on my decisions. Unfortunately I’ve been unable to get it to work properly… Hopefully I can get it to work in the next few days. For now, I’ll write about my experience at Grand Prix Toronto.

Get Big or Die Trying: The 2006 Magic Invitational (Part 2)

On Wednesday, Jeff brought us the first part of what promises to be an excellent report, detailing his experiences at the 2006 Magic Invitational. Today’s installment continues where he left off, and heads into the tournament proper. Another fantastic read, from a master of the written word. Experience the highs and lows of top-level play, as ffeJ shares his memories from the Magical journey…

Magical Hack: Your Fate Is Sealed

Read Sean McKeown... every Friday at

With the Pro Tour Qualifiers for PT Kobe fast approaching, Sean looks at the full-Block RGD Sealed format, with particular reference to the Top 8 lists of last weekend’s triple-whammy of Grand Prix Action. Remember, math is your friend!

SCG Daily – The Ten-Mana Men

Chris rounds out the week of lists with a look at the Ten Mana Monsters of Magic. A Top Ten List of Ten Mana Guys… when there aren’t even ten such creatures on the Magic team-sheet? What trickery is this?! Chris reveals all…

Attacking Formats

Everyone wants to break a format… but we can’t all be John F Rizzo. For every Friggorid, there’s a thousand aborted deck ideas lounging in Bad Build Limbo. Today, Mike examines the skills one must possess in order to achieve the Holy Grail of Deckbuilding, with particular reference to formats past. Is breaking a format possible when playing fair? Is solving a format more lucrative than breaking it? Click here to find out…

Limited Is Teh Suck

Limited has been viewed as the more skill-intensive format of Magic for a number of years… JFR, however, disagrees. Be warned: John is at his cranky best. According to the man himself, Limited is, as they say, Teh Suck. This monstrous, light-hearted, vitriolic rant is sure to fire up the forums, with fans of the forty-card format facng down stalwarts of sixty-card spell-slinging. So, where do your devotions lie? With Constructed, or with Limited? Cast your votes now!

Exploring RBC: Aggro

Josh continues his excellent series exploring the intricacies of Ravnica Block Constructed. Today, he presents a number of exciting decklists based on popular guilds, with explicit attention paid to Aggro builds. With Pro Tour Charleston just over a week away, the Team Block format has never been more relevant. Looking for an edge on the competition? Look no further!

The Kitchen Table #135: Dissension and Highlander

Read Abe Sargent... every Thursday at

Abe looks back at the casual stalwarts of Dissension, and examines how each of the supposed powerful cards have actually performed in practice. Were the cards all they promised? And is Dissension a casual success?

SCG Daily – The Nine-Mana Men

Chris is steadily scaling the Mana Mountain, and the top is now in sight. However, before he reaches the summit tomorrow, he stops off at the Nine Mana Campsite. His Top 10 list will surely differ from yours… What would you pick?

Get Big or Die Trying: The 2006 Magic Invitational (Part 1)

Jeff Cunningham has been absent from Magic writing for too long. Today, and for the rest of the week, he’s back… with a bang! In the first of a three-part epic, ffeJ tells the tale of his fantastic performance at the 2006 Magic Invitational. This installment sees him wax poetic on Honolulu and Prague, setting the scene as only he can. Jeff wrote the finest Magic articles of 2005… and this series is simply unmissable!

Breaking Formats, Color Switching, and… Thoughtbind?

Jeroen continues his popular series, answering a myriad of Magical questions posted by fans. Today, he concentrates of the Art of Format Breaking. He also touches the subject of switching colors in Draft, and has a few choice words to say on the subject of Thoughtbind in Standard. Remember, send you questions to Jeroen at the usual address!

Magic Online Musings: This Week in Kuala Lumpur

Read The Blisterguy... every Wednesday at

Blisterguy takes a break from his usual MTGO statistical explosion. Instead, he takes us through the highs and lows of his recent coverage trip to Kuala Lumpur…

SCG Daily – The Eight-Mana Men

Mr. Romeo continues his investigation of the Wobbily Monsters of Magic. Today, the Top Ten (or twelve) Eight-Mana Creatures. Just what can you buy for the price of four Wild Mongrels? Click here to find out!