WotC Corrects Double Masters VIP Edition Contents
WotC has issued a statement correcting the contents of the Double Masters VIP Edition.
WotC has issued a statement correcting the contents of the Double Masters VIP Edition.
Affinity fans get exciting reprints in Double Masters!
Yuuki Ichikawa caps the first season of the SCG Tour Online by winning the Seasonal Championship with Temur Reclamation.
Autumn Burchett culminates dominant SCG Tour Online run with Championship Qualifier win.
Hoshi Yuki and Mono-White Aggro take tournament by surprise to win the third Red Bull Untapped International Qualifier!
On today’s Good Morning Magic, Gavin Verhey discusses the future of foils in Magic.
John Roberts details his high-Mythic build of Standard Jund Midrange.
The SCG Tour Online returns this weekend with its fourth Championship Qualifier and the Seasonal Championship.
Season Two of the 2020 SCG Tour Online kicks off Saturday, July 18 and now offers multiple paths to Zendikar Rising Championship!
Check out the updates and new events coming this week to Magic Online!
Weekly MTG brings on Bear Watson and Ben Dragon to answer questions about the 2020-2021 esports season.
In an attempt to “be better”, WotC is hiring a new DE&I Manager.
The ultimate mobile tool for playing in events at your local game store, at home, and in competitions launches today
Everything you need to keep up with Double Masters preview season!