
AuthorJim Davis

Jim Davis is a fifteen year Magic veteran with accomplishments at every level of organized play. He spent the the late 2000s playing on the Pro Tour, and after taking a few years away from the game he reemerged as one of the most accomplished players on the SCG Tour. After winning the 2015 Players' Championship Jim took on Magic full-time and now travels to events as part of Team BCW, produces content both here on Starcitygames.com and on YouTube, streams, and coaches.

Last Stop Before Amonkhet!

Jim Davis is ready for Amonkhet! But first, he wants to talk Grand Prix Orlando, the one card you must play at SCG Worcester’s Legacy Open, and why adding cards to Standard might be a better call than taking them away!

The Most Overrated Cards In Magic Today

Good and even great cards don’t automatically belong in decks! Jim Davis sounds off on five Modern and Legacy staples that deserve a second thought before they land in your next list! There are no sacred cows in deckbuilding, people!


What do you want out of Magic? What’s your plan to get there? Jim Davis has the straight talk you need on setting goals, making plans, and putting in the time to realize them. Take it from someone who’s made the sacrifices to get where he is!

The Best Color For Sideboarding In Modern

You’re not winning big Modern events like SCG Indianapolis without knowing exactly how to sideboard. Jim Davis knows which cards he wants to be on for this weekend’s festivities! He explains here!

One Deck For Each Format At SCG Baltimore

While Jim Davis is bringing some old hands out of Magic retirement for SCG Baltimore, he has his eyes on three metagames! Today he highlights a trio of under-the-radar choices that just might surprise some foes on the way to Team Constructed victory!

An Octopus Token At The Pro Tour

Jim Davis had a wonderful trip to Dublin in the name of making money by playing Magic! Today he comments on Limited Magic in the modern age, the work of preparing for such a big event, and all things Standard in between!

The Guide To U/B Control

Jim Davis almost did it last weekend. He almost claimed the glory of a week one top 8 in a field of decks he had under his foot from the word go. But a top 16 will have to do. With SCG Richmond just days away, Jim, how good does it feel to be playing a traditional two-color control deck?

The Standard That Never Was

If you think the supposedly “dead” online Standard has no forecast for what we can expect at SCG Columbus, you’re very wrong. Jim Davis predicts the metagame ahead based on good hard data!

Banning Cards Like It’s 2011

Remember the last time bans happened? Oh man! It’s been a minute! Jim Davis isn’t interested in just re-reading the same news over and over; he’s already planning what it means for the SCG Columbus metagame next weekend!


When is a card so absurdly good that you can’t even say its name?! Well, Jim Davis? We’re there. Jim talks about a few other cards you could do some cool things with, but really? He just wants to talk about one thing. Too bad it’s too good to speak of!

The Answers To Your Questions

While he couldn’t go back-to-back on SCG Players’ Championship titles, Jim Davis and his team have had an incredible year! So much so that a lot of players are asking him questions about his past and future in the game! Jim opens up for his friends and fans here!

Pictures From The Road: A Year As The SCG Players’ Champ

Playing on a sponsored Magic team? Holding the trophy at the SCG Players’ Championship? Streaming Magic into the wee hours of the morning? The logistics of being a pro have changed a lot since Magic’s earliest days, but one thing hasn’t: It could not be any more fun!

Aether Revolting Into Standard

Last year’s #SCGPC was taken by Jim Davis, and he’s not interested in giving up the moment this year! Join the #SCGINVI semifinalist as he takes a look at the Standard format that just won’t stay still, as well as take a look at some of Aether Revolt’s most interesting previews!


A year ago, Players’ Champion Jim Davis set off a storm of discussion on social media with his Top 8 Cards hashtag! Well, out with the good, in with the bad! Which cards from all of Magic’s history would you get rid of if you could? Which spells make you roll your eyes every time they’re cast?