Daily Digest: Time Walks, No Eldrazi Needed
Who needs giant monsters in a ramp deck? As long as you’re taking extra turns, you’re probably doing fine. GerryT shows a deck capable of doing just that at #SCGKC!
Who needs giant monsters in a ramp deck? As long as you’re taking extra turns, you’re probably doing fine. GerryT shows a deck capable of doing just that at #SCGKC!
Mardu Guy cannot be contained. Despite it’s relative unpopularity, someone always finds a way to succeed with a few Nomad Outposts and a ton of removal. See the latest Mardu Guy success story here before you travel to #SCGKC!
GerryT has been playing high level Magic for a long time, but even he can’t decide whether this deck is aggro, control, or neither. One thing he does know, is that this brew stands a great chance at #SCGKC this weekend!
No matter what format you’ve got your eye on for #SCGKC this weekend, GerryT has lists for you! He is breaking out his famous notebook again for the masses, and the best decks inside are here for you to see!
Temur just can’t catch a break in Standard. Maybe the answer lies in adopting an idea from the highly successful Jeskai Black builds. Maybe Temur Black is finally what the deck needs for #SCGKC!
GerryT picks up a once-forgotten deck with a lot of momentum heading towards #SCGKC! Esper Dragons is back, and Gerry knows just what to do with it.
We’ve gone back in time, players. We’ve returned to a different Standard plane where Esper Dragons is still well-positioned and will trounce you if you don’t respect it at #SCGKC. GerryT explains this strange phenomenon.
Taking extra turns? Check. Playing enormous monsters? Check. Underrated planeswalker? Check. Is there anything this Standard deck doesn’t have? GerryT has found a nice one!
The BFZ Allies took a lot of heat when they were released, but it looks like they’re ready to compete! GerryT shows off this list that gathers Allies up along with victories!
The title says it all: there’s more than one way to wield an Outpost Siege! GerryT likes this Standard deck, which puts the less used mode of the Siege to its full potential!
GerryT has quietly assembled one of the best Draft records on the Pro Tour recently. If you’re looking for the best advice on how to draft the set at #GPAtlanta, you’ve come to the right place.
Think you’ve seen all the control builds in Standard? Think Esper is the only way to go? You’re dead wrong, and GerryT wants to show you one of the coolest control decks we’ve seen in some time!
Day 2 of Grand Prix Atlanta promises to be an intense test of skill and deckbuilding. Listen to GerryT as he commentates his way through the latest Magic Draft format!
Has a card experienced more of a quiet upswing over the last month than Knight of the Reliquary? The innovation with this card keeps coming, and GerryT highlights a few more of those efforts here!
Want to play one of the Khans Banners in Standard? You’re not alone! See the most bizarre ramp deck on the market today, and put your banner in the air at #SCGPHILLY’s big Standard Open!