
Daily Digest: Mono-Fun

Taking extra turns? Check. Playing enormous monsters? Check. Underrated planeswalker? Check. Is there anything this Standard deck doesn’t have? GerryT has found a nice one!

So far, we’ve seen every sort of splash in the green-based Eldrazi Ramp deck except for blue. Until now.

For #PTBFZ, the New York team featuring Zvi Mowshowitz almost brought a G/U deck built around Part the Waterveil. Nukesaku’s deck is part Zvi’s and part
Jake Mondello’s, but appears to be all fun.

In fact, G/U seems to be a fan favorite, as Nukesaku isn’t the first player to do well with it. Slowly, but surely, it’s catching on, and there seems to be
more than a few reasons to pick up this version of the deck.

Kiora, Master of the Depths and Part the Waterveil do good work in the mirror matches, allowing you to Ulamog your opponent before they can Ulamog you.
Even in the matchups like Abzan Aggro, having a faster nut draw helps immensely, as their clock is often more relevant than their disruption.

If you want to take some extra turns, blow up your opponent’s permanents, and mostly ignore what they’re doing, you’ve found your deck.