
AuthorBrian Braun-Duin

Brian Braun-Duin is one of the most well-known Magic pros in the game today. His notable successes include two Grand Prix wins, four SCG Invitational Top 8s, a host of SCG Open Top 8s, and multiple PTQ wins. He strives to make Squire a respected card in Legacy and Modern.

BBD VS. Brad: R/W Prowess VS. R/G Dragons

Standard is proving to be about the most dynamic it has ever been these days, so BBD and Brad Nelson know better than to rest on their laurels when there is a metagame that needs crushing. Check out their latest efforts as they prepare for the Season Three Invitational!

The BBD-Bag: Remix Edition

You’ve got questions, he has answers. Find out about how to shake off tilt, how to sideboard properly, why mind tricks are for other mages and why Abzan Aggro is awesome! BBD is here for you!

BBD VS. Brad: Abzan Control VS. Esper Dragons

As the Standard metagame continues to shift and Abzan Aggro has taken the forefront, is it control’s time to reassert itself in the next wave of the metagame cycle? BBD and Brad battle head to head in order to figure out which control deck might be king: Abzan, or Esper Dragons?

BBD VS. CVM: Abzan Aggro VS. B/R Dragons

Catch up with BBD and CVM as they battle in preparation for Grand Prix London this weekend, pitting two of the more unexpected top decks from Grand Prix San Diego against each other in their quest to master the Standard format in time to bring home a trophy!

Ground Seal Day

“So close, and yet so far.” No one really likes coming in ninth place at a major tournament, but Brian Braun-Duin looks straight on at the reasons he found himself at the Edge of the Top Eight at #SCGDC.

BBD VS. The Boss: G/W Aggro VS. U/R Thopters

BBD and “The Boss,” Tom Ross, pick up one of Standard’s most important matchups to see how it plays out in time for #GPLondon this weekend – which deck is favored when you pit U/R Thopters against G/W Aggro, and why?

Attacking The Pro Tour Metagame

While BBD may not have had the result he wanted at Pro Tour Magic Origins, he has some vital lessons to take away from that experience and some key insights for what deck you should be picking up next to battle last week’s winners.

BBD VS. Brad: U/W Miracles VS. Aggro Loam

With #SCGDC just days away, BBD and Brad reprise one of the key matchups from #GPLille, battling U/W Miracles with Monastery Mentor versus the Aggro Loam deck that wasn’t on many people’s radar before it posted two copies to the Top Eight!

Standard Practices

BBD examines the cyclical nature of the Standard metagame as he looks at the #SCGCHI results and predicts what is to follow at #SCGRICH and #PTOrigins over the next few weeks.

Magic Origins: Hot Or Not?

BBD takes a second look at Magic Origins after some testing, and shares his thoughts on which cards he thinks will perform in the coming months and which cards are over-hyped.