Live Coverage of Open: Indianapolis

Live coverage of the Open Series in Indianapolis!

It was a record smashing weekend at the Open-Indianapolis! The Legacy event saw the old attendance record smashed by 50+ players! And if you had told the nearly 300 competitors this morning that a Monoblack Control and Goblin deck would make the Top 8, most of them would tell you you were crazy. But you wouldn’t have been.

Craig Wostratzky didn’t let an odd deck choice slow him down on his way to the Top 8 ranked first out of the Swiss. And Nick Montaquila wasn’t afraid to run the red tribe of Goblins on his way to the Top 8. But the two weren’t meant to take the title. Instead, it was Chris Woltereck’s day to shine. Playing his third Legacy event with 43 Land, Chris made it to a 100% Top 8 ratio with the deck. His latest version gutted the red cards for Intuition and a heavier reliance on Academy Ruins and Tolaria West. That innovation proved to be the key for his success as he Mindslaver locked opponent after opponent.

Chris Woltereck is your 2010 Legacy Open-Indianapolis champion! Open Series Richmond Open Series Event Coverage Photos on Facebook!

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It was a record smashing weekend at the Open-Indianapolis! The Legacy event saw the old attendance record smashed by 50+ players! And if you had told the nearly 300 competitors this morning that a Monoblack Control and Goblin deck would make the Top 8, most of them would tell you you were crazy. But you wouldn’t have been.

Craig Wostratzky didn’t let an odd deck choice slow him down on his way to the Top 8 ranked first out of the Swiss. And Nick Montaquila wasn’t afraid to run the red tribe of Goblins on his way to the Top 8. But the two weren’t meant to take the title. Instead, it was Chris Woltereck day to shine. Playing his third Legacy event with 43 Land, Chris made it to a 100% Top 8 ratio with the deck. His latest version gutted the red cards for Intuition and a heavier reliance on Academy Ruins and Tolaria West. That innovation proved to be the key for his success as he Mindslaver locked opponent after opponent.

Chris Woltereck is your 2010 Legacy Open-Indianapolis champion!

Legacy Open Top Decklists By Bill Stark
Check out the top decks used in the Legacy Open-Indianapolis!

Finals: Chris Woltereck vs. Nick Montaquila By Bill Stark
“I’m really excited about trying to win the die roll,” Chris Woltereck joked with his opponent as they sat down for the last match of the Open-Indianapolis.

Semifinals: Chris Woltereck vs. Sean Gray By Bill Stark
"You could be the first Merfolk player to beat me!" Chris Woltereck cheerfully informed his opponent Sean Gray as they sat down to their Semifinals match. Of course, he followed that up with a smile when he informed Sean he was 22-0 in games against Merfolk.

Quarterfinals: Jason Terry vs. Billy Nichols By Bill Stark
Jason Terry made the Top 8 of the Open-Indianapolis with the recently made popular blue-black Reanimator. Billy Nichols made the cut to the single elimination rounds playing a Team America list tweaked for his own devices.

Quarterfinals: Craig Wostratzky vs. Sean Gray By Bill Stark
Exiting the Swiss in first place was Craig Wostratzky, who got there playing a rogue Monoblack Control decklist of his own design. The strategy was built to beat creature-based decks, and Sean Gray was playing one in an innovative take on Merfolk.

Legacy Open Top 8 Profiles By Bill Stark
Meet the Top 8 competitors for the Legacy Open in Indianapolis.

Deck Tech: 43 Land Blue By Bill Stark
Chris Woltereck and Matt Gargiulo brought a new twist on a fan-favorite, and are both looking at money finishes in the Legacy Open.

Round 9: Nick Montaquila vs. David Tsukuno By Bill Stark
The final round of swiss found David Tsukuno taking his Landstill deck up against Nick Montaquila’s Goblins.

Deck Tech: Monoblack Control By Bill Stark
Undefeated going into Round 8, Craig’s homebrew Monoblack Control deck was drawing plenty of attention in Indianapolis.

Round 6: Craig Wostratzky vs. Andrew Shrout By Bill Stark
Craig Wostratzky had ripped through five straight rounds of Legacy play undefeated, and he had done it with his innovative Monoblack Control deck.

Deck Tech: Charbelcher By Bill Stark
Legacy is famous for being filled with powerful cards and thus powerful decks. There is arguably no deck in the format more powerful and explosive than Charbelcher.

Round 3: Cedric Phillips vs. Tony Vermilya By Bill Stark
While Cedric’s known for playing White Weenie in Standard, he’s always been about Charbelcher in Legacy. Read how he fared against Tony Vermilya’s Zoo build in Round 3.

James Bush Claws Back to Win! By Bill Stark
It was the largest Open ever, SMASHING the previous record by over a hundred players.

Standard Open Top 8 Profiles By Bill Stark
Meet the Top 8 competitors for the Standard Open in Indianapolis.

Standard Open Top Decklists By Bill Stark
Check out the top decks used in the Standard Open-Indianapolis!

Finals: Ben Wienburg vs. James Bush By Bill Stark
On James’ side of the table? The reviled Jund. Batting for Ben was his take on Spread ‘Em. Both players had one loss on the day, both to Jund.

Semifinals: Ben Wienburg vs. Dustin Sendejas By Bill Stark
For Ben Wienburg and Dustin Sendejas, their match would be devoid of the endemic black-green-red deck.

Quarterfinals: Brian Finley vs. Dustin Sendejas By Bill Stark
Brian Finley was one of the multiple Jund players in the Top 8 of the Open-Indianapolis. Staring him down, looking to keep the archetype from winning in back-to-back Open events, was Dustin Sendejas and his Naya deck.

Quarterfinals: James Bush vs. Josh Milliken By Riki Hayashi
Wouldn’t you know it; we’re playing a Jund mirror in the Top 8 of a Standard event.

Quarterfinals: Andrew Steckly vs. Ed Greer By Bill Stark
Ed Greer and Andrew Steckley sat down to their Quarterfinals match with Steckley on the hated Jund and Greer on Mythic, the Zvi Mowshowitz-inspired take on Bant.

Round 10: Tom Risdon vs. Brian Finley By Bill Stark
Both players had gotten to the final round a single match from the Top 8 after picking up an earlier loss.

On Camera: Michael Pozsgay’s Jund Tips By Bill Stark
The reality of playing Jund? It’s a lot harder than you think, but it gets easier when you listen to Mike!

8:08 – More Faces in the Crowd By Bill Stark
More of the big personalities in attendance this weekend.

Round 8: Josh Milliken vs. Ed Greer By Bill Stark
Both had a lot on the line thanks to their undefeated records. If either could win, they’d be able to double draw into the Top 8.

On Camera: John Penick Talks About Koros By Bill Stark
He walks us through the Koros deck for Standard, including why he’s playing the equipment, creatures, and other spells he’s playing.

Round 5: John Penick vs. Josh Lewis By Bill Stark
Lewis’ Grixis Control deck took control early, stranding Penick without a second turn play when he cast Spreading Seas on John’s only source of white mana

Deck Tech: White Weenie By Bill Stark
It is an archetype almost as old as the game itself, and one of the pioneering decks that defined what “beatdown” meant.

1:28 – Famous Faces in Indy By Bill Stark
The Open-Indianapolis has brought out some big names from tournament circuits all over the country.

Round 2: Cedric Phillips vs. Nate Grin By Bill Stark
People expect big things from Cedric Phillips when he sleeves up White Weenie. See how he fared against Nate’s Vampire deck.