

VS Live! Halloween Pioneer Special

In this week’s VS Live!, Corey and Ross do battle with high-power Pioneer decks. Will Corey’s various Halloween costumes help him win the marbles? Tune in to find out!

Taking The Pulse Of Pioneer

With Pioneer replacing Standard in the Season Two Invitational, the search for the format’s best decks is more urgent than ever. Corey Baumeister and Ross Merriam battle with Boros Feather, Sultai Midrange, and more!

Hammering Out Humans In Pioneer

Can Humans synergies form a deck in Pioneer as they do in Modern? Tom Ross surveys the early results from Magic Online to find something “Boss”-approved ahead of the Season Two Invitational!

Why Green Devotion May Break Pioneer

The pressure is on to find the best Pioneer deck for the Season Two Invitational. Todd Anderson thinks Devotion decks with a green base might be the solution, and he has lists for three key variations.

Why Are There So Many Fair Decks In Pioneer?

Pioneer is starting out with only five fetchlands banned, and predictably, the format is totally…fair? Sam Black explains why fair decks have emerged as Pioneer frontrunners and highlights key lists.

Bant Company In Pioneer

Corey Baumeister takes to Pioneer on Magic Online with Bant Company! Will his menagerie (plus a few stray Elk from Oko, Thief of Crowns) carry the day?