

Debates From Here To Infinity

We have lots of Magic to read and discuss, but let’s take a timeout to join some of our favorite writers in their breakdown of the world’s most popular movie! *SPOILERS FOR AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR*

Dominaria Dominance?

Get your game on with the new set that loves old sets! Sam Black and Ross Merriam are great minds that understand design and competition! So what do they think of Dominaria so far?

Cin City Breakdown!

SCG Tour’s own masterminds brainstorm Legacy, humanize Modern, and of course, talk about the most deserving of bans in the game today! SCG Cincinnati promises to be a great weekend!

Modern As We Know It!

Two SCG Tour voices enter to do battle! This weekend in Dallas promises to be a tournament of consequence for the entire Modern format! So what can we expect? Matthias Hunt and Ryan Overturf weigh in!

Fact Or Fiction: SCG Worcester Legacy Edition!

Patrick Sullivan and Cedric Phillips enter the Fact or Fiction arena before taking to the SCG Worcester broadcast booth! Is Grixis Delver the deck to beat? Is Turbo Depths better than lands? And can Ross Merriam ever catch a break?

The Great Grand Prix Memphis Debate

Get in the game with Ari Lax and Brad Nelson! They’re studying this suddenly super Standard season strongly, but their approaches are a tad different to this weekend! Who has the better shot at success?

Fact Or Fiction: Philly And New Standard

Our two SCG Tour commentators for the weekend can’t wait to get the chatting started! That’s why they’re already debating the big issues surrounding new Standard, modern Modern, and old style Legacy in this week’s Fact or Fiction!