

Ravnica Allegiance Edition!

Patrick Sullivan returns to his Fact or Fiction glory to take on Ravnica Allegiance and two of his colleagues, Todd Anderson and Tom Ross! They debate a problematic new Standard card, as well as invite the set into Modern and Legacy!

Ravnica Allegiance Questions And Answers!

Is Fires of Yavimaya really back? Is Kaya’s Wrath what control players want? Is Birthing Pod as good as real again? Tom Ross, Shaheen Soorani, and Brad Nelson debate the realities of the upcoming Ravnica Allegiance set here!

SCG CON Standard And Modern Preview!

Sam Black, Bryan Gottlieb, and Tom Ross gather together for a triple threat of the hottest questions surrounding Standard and Modern going into SCG CON this weekend! Vote for your favorite at the end!

Pro Tour Guilds Of Ravnica Postmortem

Ari Lax, Jadine Klomparens, and Sam Black take their places at the Fact or Fiction roundtable! Should we be scared of Boros Aggro? How high can Izzet Drakes fly? Get their answers and vote for your winner!

The Pros Prognosticate The Pro Tour!

With a big Standard showdown on the horizon, we enlisted the help of SCG Tour broadcasters Ryan Overturf and Cedric Phillips (and a very insistent Ross Merriam) to predict what decks we’re going to see take down Pro Tour Guilds of Ravnica!

Guilds Of Ravnica Week One!

Leave it to the experts to bust myths about Magic’s newest set! Sam Black, Shaheen Soorani, and Ari Lax go to bat for the people in analyzing the impact! Vote for the winner!