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      The Final Destination

      So, it’s Sunday afternoon. We’re getting ready to head back to Virginia. Unfortunately, our flight is at 10:30 pm, and it’s 4. We decide to hit a movie, then have dinner (not expecting much in the way of airplane food). After having been subjected to Beyond the Mat (not much of a wrestling fan, here….

      Get A Life!

      A few weeks ago, I was quite happy to actually have a date lined up for Saturday evening. Without going into the sordid details, let me just say that I usually average around one date every six months or so and anything that gets me out of the house on a Saturday night is generally…

      Retasting Slivers

      Just last play session, I hosted a night of Magic for our group focused on creature types. It’s a common variant to set up in groups – I’m sure most of you out there have tried it at one point or another. There are no hard and fast rules, but I would recommend the following…

      The Tragedy Of Bad Rares, Part Deux

      I have to tell you, it’s been great getting the feedback that I’ve gotten in response to my last post. Sometimes when you’re writing, you get disillusioned because you feel like you’re shouting into a great void, and no one listens. Reminds me of the line from the original Alien movie advertisements (gosh is that…


      The Rath Cycle. What do those words instigate into your minds? What if I say "power rares in the Rath Cycle?" Immediately, I’m sure most you start thinking , , , , , … The list goes on and on. Now, what about when I say "power rares in Nemesis?" Umm… ? Erm… ? Ehh……

      What Time Is It?

      Wow. What a weekend. As you may or may not know, and I went to the Wizards of the Coast Tournament Organizers’ meeting, in Renton, Washington. While I’m not at liberty to discuss specifics from the conference, let me just say that it was a wonderfully run event – I’d like to thank Scott Larabee,…


      That’s something I’ve heard a lot of over the last few weeks, and I expect to hear a lot more of it in the coming month. The same thing happened last year and the year before, but this year is different. Why? Two years ago I was playing a White Weenie/red Empyral Armor deck. I…

      Does Monocolor Work In Multiplayer?

      You think that the color limitations actually affected our strategy? Not in THOSE days, pal. Heck, when I started out you had a very simple way of getting around the color limitations: You made a rainbow-colored deck that was six feet high and required three stout lumberjacks to shuffle. Games back then sometimes lasted for…

      A Bad Matchup

      Not so, I’m afraid. If this is still outside your experience, then I pray for Dame Fortune to continue smiling down on you. As for me, my life has been an unending parade of foiled endeavours. I take solace in the fact that I’m apparently picking up the slack for the remainder of the Human…

      The Complete EVERYTHING MUST DRAW-GO Quiz

      Rules: Each clue is a cryptic clue leading to (or an anagram of) the name of a Magic: The Gathering card eg. Mr Stallone Trips Over might be the clue for FALLING STAR etc. How many can you get ? 1.I parked around 2.Sounds like a ramble through some herbs 3.I’m tired, I think I’ll…

      Ye Olde Inquisition

      Mmm… Sobe. wasn’t kidding. This stuff is AMAZING. I love it. You should try it. It’s like Snapple on crack. Plus, it’s a lot healthier and tastier than a soda. My favorite flavors: Fuel (Strawberry), Energy (Citrus), (Orange-like), Wisdom (Mango), Drive (Fruit Punchy). And the caps say cool things, like Sobe Wan Kenobi and Sobemon….

      Mmmmmmmmmana…Five Rules For Avoiding Mana-Screw

      I’m starting to get truly excited about Regionals, even if I still don’t know when they’re occurring. In fact, all of Team Purple Pepper is more focused than I’ve ever seen them. Having the team has made us all better players and better deck-builders, and some of the craziness that’s being thrown around these days…

      Lotus Prey

      About six months ago, following a visit to PT London (and that whole debacle in Peter Adkison’s hotel room), I resolved to give up constructed Magic tournaments; this, of course, has meant that I don’t buy boosters or individual cards any more, though I have filled the void by playing much more Limited M:TG. Recently,…

      Yes, Your Friends ARE That Stupid

      Gosh, this hand would be perfect if it wasn’t for all the land. Who hasn’t thought this at some point? You have six land and one huge spell that’s almost guaranteed to win you the game if you can get it out. Or you have six killer spells and one land to start with. But…

      The Tragedy Of Bad Rares (Or, Look At Me, I’m R&D!)

      Bad Rares. It’s part of Magic, right? Sure it is, always has been. But should it be? I can remember a while ago, someone posted an article that talked about”skill-testing cards.” I think they were talking about in a Limited format, and how it takes some skill to see how good certain cards are; for…