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      Your News In Brief

      If I might blaspheme for just a moment: Dear God in heaven above, it seems for certain that it’s been far too long. Perhaps that’s only because of my disgust with recent limpid offerings. Never before has blame so unanimously outweighed praise for whatever ordering of words I’d seen fit to dump in front of…

      Bless You

      You doh, subber id a wudderfuh tibe of the year. Boo skies, lazy (*snort*) avdanoods id the sudshide with a glass of cool Pibbs nubber wud (strawberry ad cucubber essential, of course). Unfortudately, I ab wud of those poor subs-of-bidges who suffers frob Hay Fever (*aaatchooo*) – so I have to spedd Bay, Jude, and…

      The Bright Side

      You know, I recently realized that for all the complaining I do about the Urza’s Block, I’ve never taken the time to write about the positive aspects of the Block. Woah, now. Don’t get me wrong. As far as I’m concerned, the bad vastly outweighs the good, as far as Urza’s goes. I still shudder…

      What Do Mike Long, Charles Manson, And Jeffrey Dahmer Have In Common?

      There is a method of catching serial killers known as“profiling,” and it’s devastatingly effective if used right. Basically, the theory goes like this: Guys who stalk and kill people routinely do it because they enjoy it. But every criminal kills for a different reason. If you can find out what part of the killing they…

      Casual Fridays #41: Quentin And The Foot Soldiers Of Multiplayer

      A few weeks ago, Pete and Omeed asked me if I had any objection to officially adopting the column title "Casual Fridays". I told them they’d have to check with Dockers, and if there were no legal entanglements from them, we ought to be all set. I also checked in with the good folks…

      New Attitudes

      I think you’ll all agree that I’m a pretty efficient fellow (and, even if you wouldn’t, there’s nothing you can do about it, because I’M writing this article). That statement is proven by the title you so generously clicked upon; you see, I’m actually talking about two things in this article: the NEW and…

      Cruel Tutor

      Necro, Prosbloom, Turbostasis, Turbobalance, Fruity Pebbles, Cocoa Pebbles, , , , Academy, , , , Oath, Wheaties, Trix and all have one thing in common. Yes. They’re all good decks. Something else. Yes. They’re comboriffic. Something else. Yes. They’ve all played heavily into their respective metagames. Something else. Do you know what it is? They…

      Why Combo Is Good

      I had hoped to have an article on what I thought was a really good deck I was working on. Really, really good. In what free time I’d managed to hoard lately, I’d thought I’d tuned it to a fair degree of nastiness, in between bouts of fighting off The Asian Death Flu That Ate…

      What Was Wrong With This Deck?

      Those of you who remember last week’s column will be tremendously ironic, since the whole POINT of last week’s column was that nobody ever remembers what I wrote the week before. You guys are screwing up my curve. However, among my other various tirades, last week I posted a sneaky multiplayer deck— which went something…

      Having Fun

      The last few months have been hard for me. I’ve not enjoyed my job, lost my girlfriend of two years and now hate the flat where we shared the last year together. Consequently I’ve spent some time off work and generally not been a very happy bunny. On the good side, I continued to get…

      I’m Back! Regionals, Lame Ducks, And Prophecy

      Apologies to those of you who’ve wondered where I’ve been; it seems life has gotten in the way of fun as usual. I recently started a new job and while I’m loving it, it has been keeping me insanely busy. Way too busy to play Magic. It’s also been mentally draining, which has interfered with…


      It’s really time I wrote my novel. I decided that this morning. I was pumped full of caffeine, heart racing like a trip hammer, a small bead of sweat working its way down my back. I was sick of my job. My wonderful, excellent, almost the best job in the world job. It was time…

      I’m Game – Are You?

      TOP O’THE WORLD, MA! Ever wondered what its like being a competitor at the M:TG World Championships? Yeah – so have I! But given I’ve got as much chance of attending as a DOLPHIN has of climbing Mount Everest in a Tu-tu, I thought I’d fantasize for a bit. Unfortunately, they won’t publish that, so…

      The Very Thin Line

      First off, I’d like to congratulate John Sorrentino for graduating from Virginia Tech. According to him, his future plans include moving to Atlantic City and becoming a Yes Man. And yes, ladies, he’s single and he takes good care of his cat. You know what that means! That’s right! Time for the article. How many…

      Casual Fridays #40: Rebirth

      A few weeks ago, Pete and Omeed asked me if I had any objection to officially adopting the column title "Casual Fridays". I told them they’d have to check with Dockers, and if there were no legal entanglements from them, we ought to be all set. I also checked in with the good folks…