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CASUAL FRIDAYS #76: Punishment And Haiku

…And to make up for our brief glitch last Friday, here’s TWO Alongi columns for you! Wanna hear about the multiplayer invitational?

Multiplayer Invitational: Bizarro World

And yet another take on the fabled seven-player game, along with a request for JUSTICE!

Flotsam And Jetsam

It seems that the Internet Writers Collective is being taken to task. The topic is how we all suck.

Bringing Out The Dead

Lay down, make yourself comfortable. It’s time for some Rizzo bootleg phychology.

1800 or Bust!: Risk Assessment

What are acceptable gains and losses when trying to gain your goals… And how can you determine them?

Winning With The Little Guys

“Seek ye the Lord, all ye meek of the earth, which have
wrought his judgment; seek righteousness, seek meekness.”

Force of Will: Pork Byproducts

Pork, a.k.a.”the other White meat,” was a failure. But it brought up a few issues about the metagame, and cleared the way for next week’s article…

FINAL JUDGEMENT: Why Are You Reading That Crap?

Sheldon finally goes off on badly-written internet articles and celebrity endorsements! Does”Angry” go on the stack?

Casual Play: Change Happens

Dojo refugee (and fantastic Casual analyst) gives his take on all of the good Planeshift cards — and some fun strategies, too!

Peter Out!

By God, if it was anyone but Tony this would seem like
shameless self-promotion!

Tales From The Hood

I know why I am taking way too long to get better… I’m not very good at Magic. There, I said it.

Let Poor Rudolph Join In This Goblin Game!

Tap two actuaries from Anthony’s Magic group: Explain the beauty and strategies of this unconventional card in duel and multiplayer.

Planeshift Prerelease Report

So our fair city of Ottawa FINALLY got a pre-release, for Planeshift. Now for those of you who don’t know, Ottawa IS the capital of Canada, so WHY they haven’t gotten one until now is beyond me… Kinda like Washington D.C. not getting one or something. Anyway, when we learned that Top 8 would each…

How We Found A Way To Sell Those World Championship Decks

Before I launch into my report, let me give you a little history to bring you up to speed on the "history" of the Gambit Invitational. About five years ago, after I had been laid off from my job at the time, a friend of mine who had been managing the game part of a…

The Casual Player’s Guide To Surviving The Planeshift Prerelease

Hey! Wanna not completely suck this weekend when you play? A few guidelines for those new to, or even completely unfamiliar with, Limited Play.