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Doin’ it Walrus Style (And Get Your Mind Out of the Gutter)

A bouncy little deck that might mutate for the better after 7th rotates in… IF Duress is in there.

Metagame This

So. Fires is a good deck. So. Everyone is going to play it at Regionals. Not to be crass, but I doubt it. I think.


You’ve read this before, but it was different.

Multiplayer Is An Art: The Ivory Gargoyle Deck

Reading articles about multiplayer or other sorts of casual play is a favourite pastime of mine. I always enjoy reading about good plays made by others in epic games with six or more players. I always enjoy reading about multiplayer strategies, and I always enjoy reading about decks created especially for multiplayer. And that’s why…

Red Zone Redux

Elation. The word is cheapened by overuse. Proper elation is not mere joy brought by a lucky topdeck; one needs drama, tension, and trepidation beforehand to bring the recipient to a downcast, muttering funk before an earnest prayer is fulfilled, bringing satisfaction and a sense of pure thankfulness for good grace. Elation is when you…

CASUAL FRIDAYS #82: The Further Adventures Of Super-Hippo

I would like to pre-emptively respond to all of the people who are going criticize, obliquely or directly, the new artwork in 7th Edition.

Prove That We Suck, Win A Foil Rishadan Port

In a whirlwind of randomness, the Editor not only looks for demographic feedback, but responds to critics about Alaskan Success Story!

Peace of Mind – Paranoia

I create”God deck,” which has amazing success. Then Wizards comes along and rotates all of it out. Was Fires THAT weak, Wizards?

Take Another Look

Say, whatever happened to Utopia Tree? When did Rishadan Port get so big? Why is Charging Troll whipping people’s butts when Daniel plays it?

TURBO BLACK: From Deck Design To Tournament Victory In Five Days

Rumor has it that is not going to make the cut into Seventh Edition. I’m not going to launch into some diatribe about that decision. Actually, I think it is probably for the better – in the long run. Lately Wizards has done an excellent job of making the game based more on skill and…

You Won’t See These At Regionals, But You Should

“Grasshopper, when you can take the stone from my hand, you will know technology.” – Nate, Supreme Dictator of Technology, Tech.dec mailing list.

Casual Play: It’s A Conspiracy!

We all know about the big conspiracies, but have you heard the latest: Wizards will not include basic lands in 7th Edition?

Weapons of Mass Distraction #109: The Super Mad-On Guy Revealed!

… plus more on the nurturing nature of Hippos, the multiple breeds of Merfolk, and why Anthony Alongi owes Dave a rare.

1800 or Bust!: RDW2K + 1?

I wanted to play Sligh, but Fires killed it. My answer to this was to wonder how you could slow Fires down.

The Man Who Mistook His Wife For A Magic Card

Or: An Analysis Of Psychological Conditions Potentially
Afflicting Magic Players.