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Weapons of Mass Distraction #110: The Apocalypse Beckons

With all the fervor surrounding Apocalypse, everyone’s forgotten about 7th. Which cards could still have an

A Full Spectrum Of Goodness

I’ve had such a good time lately that I’ve decided to share with you the two best experiences that I had — one completely random and the other refreshing.

25 Uses For A Dead Pro, Or: 10P For A Cuppa Tea

Do NOT say we didn’t warn you. Highly offensive. But kind of amusing in a snickery sort of way.

FINAL JUDGEMENT: US Nationals Report

Okay, Sheldon didn’t play… But don’t you want to get the judge’s perspective? Sure you do.

Interview With R&D Master Randy Buehler

Ever wonder how R&D avoids making another Urza’s Block? Former pro Randy B. gives the goods on card testing, card creation, and dealing with groupies.

Bad Deckbuilder’s Corner: Suicide Black in Standard

Is this incarnation of Suicide Black a Tier 1 deck? Maybe not. Is it one that people are expecting? Definitely not.

You CAN Play Type I #3: Rating New Cards From, Say, Apocalypse

In Type I, despite the much larger card pool, the rule is very simple: Is this card better than everything else?

Broken Beyond Repair

I hate pros. But I still think it would be cool to be one. Specifically, Eugene”Eubroken” Harvey.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #90: The Birth Of The Apocalyptic Whirlpool

The Whirlpool creatures are bad. Not bad like Michael-Jackson-wants-people-to-think-he’s-cool bad, just bad. And that’s good.

Every Dog Has His Day: Booster Draft Report (*1st*) – Handa, Japan

“Every Dog Has His Day”: A True Account of An Unintelligible Foreigner’s Seven-Year Quest And Its Culmination I hate weddings. I hate going to them, I hate sitting through the long speeches, I hate sitting in the suit. I no longer mind wearing a tie, but I still don’t like the noose. And I dislike…

Lords of Atlantis: The Millennial Minstrel Lockdown Show

Joshua discusses the new tech revealed at Nationals: Saproling Lockdown!

Price of Progress: 2001 US Nationals *Top 8 *

First he got judged out of the Top 8 at Nationals. Then he got judged back in. Either way, The King Of Beatdown’s coming back!

Limited Is An Art, Part 1: Apocalyptic Prerelease *2nd*.

Stijn takes some time away from multiplayer deckbuilding to smash house with Necrocritter madness!

You CAN Play Type I #2: Why You Shouldn’t Force Of Will A Channeled Fireball

StarCity’s latest Featured Writer discusses some of the subtleties of Type One Play. Wow, aren’t we high on T1 now?

Perceiving The Weakest Link: Redefining Multiplayer Politics,

For once and for all, the Ferrett gives his definition of multiplayer politics. Brace yerself, Bridget!