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Unacceptable Behavior

Dishonest Magic players need to be very aware that when weighing the costs versus gains of cheating, the costs are too severe to contemplate. We’re getting there.

Pardon Me While I Remove My Pants: Cards To Look For At The Prerelease

Here’s a playing tip: If someone ‘Geddons you, or , or something equally global in its ability to sweep you of your hard-earned permanents, scoop up said permanents and shuffle them for about two seconds, place them on top of your graveyard, and grip it as if you were about to shuffle it, too. Pepper…

Where We Came From And Where We’re Going

They say that history repeats itself. This has been proven over and over again in history – but it has yet to be proven in Magic.

FINAL JUDGEMENT: One Top 8, Two Women

Women doing well in Premier Events can only serve to open new markets, to encourage more young ladies to get out there and pick up the game.

Mario Mendoza Would’ve Sure Been Proud…

Rizzo plays against David Williams, Darwin Kastle, Ryan Fuller and Gary Wise at a Neutral Ground Grudge Match!

How I Saved The Okk

Let me say that there is absolutely zero relevant IBC or Type 2 or Draft knowledge that can be gleaned from the story of . It is written merely because, well — someone has to know. I won’t let ’s death go unsung, and the only other way to ensure this (except by writing this…

Do You Love Magic?

No, Do you really love Magic? Actually, you probably don’t right now. You’ll be getting sick of testing and playing Invasion Block Constructed, or maybe you’ll be sick of reading about it, no matter how much strange, infertile, bald old men make it look like fun. (How often can one man play out an inside-out…

You CAN Play Type 1 #10: Why Do They Say Fact Or Fiction Isn’t Broken?

It sure is in Type 1, but why doesn’t it work in Extended or IBC? A comprehensive analysis of mana and tempo.

Deck For A Day: The Green Ghost

Could I make a qualifying deck based on my and my teammates’ understanding of IBC? In other words, could I make a GOOD deck? Dammit, I tried.

CASUAL FRIDAYS #102: Not At All About Magic

Not much humor or game strategy to offer this week.

Intentional Draws And Unintentionally Silly Drafts

Invasion block draft has really been getting on my nerves lately. It seems as if in every draft I’m in I end up playing, at the very least, three colours. More often than not, it’s four or five. It’s not that the decks aren’t good or that I keep getting manascrewed, because they’re usually okay…

Agonizing Demise

It’s been almost two months since I wrote an article now, and frankly, I wish this didn’t have to be it.

Pikula And Other Stories Of The World Trade Center

I hung around on IRC, and caught the holiest of”Holy Pikula” moments. I actually saved the log – and though it might seem lighthearted now, I think we were still too shocked to notice.

Deal Them Now, More Than Ever

Magic, and inadequate and inappropriate as it is to bring up a card game when America mourns, may be one of the few things we have left to keep our sanity alive.

Looking Towards New York

The Magic community is a strong one. I hope that, as a Magic community – and more importantly, as a community of people – we can find a peaceful way to get through this.