Deal Them Now, More Than Ever

Magic, and inadequate and inappropriate as it is to bring up a card game when America mourns, may be one of the few things we have left to keep our sanity alive.

Look elsewhere if you are looking for the latest IBC tech or strategies for Odyssey – for today, September 11th 2001, America mourns. An unprecedented act of terrorism has struck in the heart of America, leaving several tens of thousands innocent Americans dead and others confused, fearful, and scared. I don’t need to remind anyone of the events; you have all lived or seen them, and they will stay forever etched in our minds. It is difficult for a Canadian to conceive of such a senseless, brutal act of terrorism. While our country has had its own internal acts of terrorism, namely the Front de Libération du Québec’s (Quebec Liberation Front) attacks on Government and public targets in the 1970s, nothing could have predicted or prevented this event. I think that whether or not we are Americans, we all feel safe in our own backyards, and this event will make us all a little bit edgier, a little bit more confused, and a little more adult.

I won’t take this space and thump my chest and ask for anyone’s head. President Bush will find out soon enough who attacked the freest, most democratic nation in the world, and they will be punished. What is important now is that America and Canada and all their foreign allies pull together and give themselves a hand. Many tears will be shed, anger will fly, and some escape from the insanity will be sought. In the end, we may never know who did this, why they did it, but this incident can not and will not weaken America or make it buckle. Easy as it is to poke fun at our neighbours to the south, it is in crises like this that we truly see the American Way: A perseverance, dedication, and strength that would be envied by most other nations. And the United States needs that now more than it ever has.

Over the next few days, people will seek refuge from the horror – and thankfully, this site promotes one of the healthiest, easiest ways to do this. It’s Magic, and inadequate and inappropriate as it is to bring up a card game when America mourns, it may be one of the few things we have left to keep our sanity in the coming days and weeks. It isn’t much, but all we really have right now is ourselves. We may never regain the innocence we had prior to these events, but together, corny as it sounds, we can help each other ease the pain. And when we will bombarded by these impossible newscasts, any source of escape will be welcomed.

This Canadian mourns with you all, and wishes you all a quick exit from the pain. Deal them now, more than ever…

In memoriam,

Pierre DuPont

[email protected]